Get Messy

art journal Blog

Get Messy is an online art journaling school that teaches you to cultivate your creativity. Without perfection.

We’d love for you to join us. 

The mess makes for the BEST art

The mess makes for the BEST art

I'm currently reading two books - ​Pema Chödrön's Start Where You Are​: A Guide to Compassionate Living and ​Mind Management, Not Time Management: Productivity When Creativity Matters by David Kadavy​ These books are helping me journey through the theme we're...

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When you can’t create…

When you can’t create…

I’ve been sick for the past four months. Nothing serious, just a round of puking, a few colds, and like so many of us, I managed to catch corona. It’s been an extended period of lying on the couch doing nothing - sometimes cuddling a four-year-old, and sometimes...

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Shemi Dixon experiments without restraint

Shemi Dixon experiments without restraint

Artist SpotlightWhat is art journaling to you? It helps me to exercise my creative muscles and idea. Art journal for me is more process-driven. I love to create meaningful pages. Art journaling allows me to experiment with my creativity in a way that...

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The Art of Book Writing with Misty Granade

The Art of Book Writing with Misty Granade

When I started art journaling, I started because I wanted to be an artist. But, step one to being an artist is making art. It's the same for writing a book. Step one to writing a book is actually sitting down and writing. The absolute Queen of Process, The Queen of...

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Routine vs. Spontinaeity with Sarah Gardner

Routine vs. Spontinaeity with Sarah Gardner

Sarah and I chat about the way she sees creativity - a place that has space for both structure and chaos. We talk about the harmony of her left and right brain sides of her brain. Creativity is impossible unless you're willing to embrace uncertainty. You have to widen...

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