Sarah and I chat about the way she sees creativity – a place that has space for both structure and chaos. We talk about the harmony of her left and right brain sides of her brain. Creativity is impossible unless you’re willing to embrace uncertainty. You have to widen the scope of possibility in order to create something new.
Man, it’s another good one.
Podcast Show Notes
We discuss:
- Sarah’s experience with her collaboration partner, Meenia
- Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain
- Orangerie Museum
- Deviate: The Science of Seeing Differently
- making vs. creating and kids as an excuse to play
- how creating art for herself was transformative – it was now a place to connect with the self and honour the self in a life where it’s always about everyone else
- feeling guilt
- the importance of living intentionally and honouring what’s important to you
- left vs. right brain
- fear and failure and not even trying
- “beautiful, and inaccurate”
- being in your body, having art as meaning
- everything starts with noticing- joy, connecting, and your true self – with practical tips
- turning trauma into gratitude
- grounding yourself in gratefulness and knowing that gratitude is based in fact
- being hard on ourselves vs. being kind to ourselves – self judgement and knowing that all feelings are valid
- what’s expected vs. what’s true and going back to the core
- using your emotions as valuable data
- creating intentional chaos, and leabing room for opening
- letting go and living in uncertainty
- tips for routine and spontaneity
“Creativity is impossible unless you’re willing to embrace uncertainty. You have to widen the scope of possibility in order to create something new.”
– Sarah Gardner