Ditch your to-do list. Ignore the laundry. Shake off perfectionism. And create for the sake of creating.

We’re an art journaling community created for every type and shape of artist. We’re here for you if you’ve ever wanted to unleash your creative spirit and consistently create art.
No rules. No judgement. No apologies.

This is your space, place and creative home. Come on in and explore.
We believe that magic happens right in the center of the Venn Diagram of art journaling, connection, and kindness.
We have a devoted community site where our Messy Artists explore and expand their creativity through thousands of tutorials, art prompts and actionable inspiration created by over 100 creative mentors here to serve you.
It sounds amazing because it is amazing.
Get Messy has been in/on/around

Our members have held solo and group gallery shows, published books, been in magazines and actual newspapers, created online art schools (and art communities of their own), been featured by Instagram, led retreats, sold their art, collaborated with other artists, quit their job for art, and taught art live.
I’m the creative behind your community
I’m Caylee and I’m your South African born fairy artmother writing my story in my favourite country of Germany. Castles and Christmas markets aside, it’s Germany’s internet and postal system that has my heart.
I have a secret desire to own three to six diabolically ugly dogs. My husband is the only thing standing in between me and dog happiness.
My art journaling adventure began as a way for me to get messy, ditch perfectionism, stay accountable, and consistently create art. But, magically, it transformed into something so much more than that too…

Zero expectations. Zero pressure. All the fun.
Are you a messy artist?
Are you a creative soul with restless hands and a busy mind (and schedule), ready to cultivate a consistent art habit that allows you to release your truth, emotions and dreams onto the page?
Do you want more than just a few pieces of amazing art? Do you want to embrace the messy middle, shun perfectionism and revel in the joy of creating art for art’s sake?
We exist for you.
Beyond GM’s digital doors, you’ll find your creative sidekick, artistic adventure and an inspirational sanctuary where you’ll always be welcome – messy mind, paint plops, charcoal smudges, ink-stained fingertips and all.
We are here for you, always. You just need to show up.

Our messy values
As a community, we believe in …

That we grow through play, learn through practice and that creation comes from embracing the beauty of the messy middle. The only thing not invited to this party? Perfectionism. Leave that guy at the gate.

That the starving artist myth needs to die (kindly but quickly), and that quality comes through quantity. That to do our best, we need to be willing to do the work, hustle and turn dreams into habits that we action every single day.

Being a creative soul can be lonely, which is why we believe in support and supporting you through every stage of your artistic journey. Because we know that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
We believe that change doesn’t come by chance, but with a commitment to caring for everyone in our global community – artists and non-artists alike.

We might eat donuts as we dabble with paint palettes, but we’ll only ever consume (and provide!) the type of high-quality creative inspiration that feeds our motivation and fuels our art into action. Inspir-action.

Being creative isn’t a curse; it’s a gift. And we are so grateful that we can make art. (C’mon, it’s pretty darn cool, right?) Which is why we’re unapologetically enthusiastic – and slightly nerdy – about learning and growing as artists.

This is a community genuinely and authentically rooted in kindness and compassion. We believe, first and foremost, in being a good human and in taking care of each other through the chaos and craziness of life.

So, whaddya say … Ready to begin your arty adventure?

Art on this page created by these incredible Messians:
@thistleandthimbles, @charderouin, @miguela1960, @prpaints18, @sasha_zeen, @janet.joehlin, @thehandcraftedstory