Get Messy

art journal Blog

Get Messy is an online art journaling school that teaches you to cultivate your creativity. Without perfection.

We’d love for you to join us. 

Be Intentional About your Artist Journey with Cindy Jay and Debbie Bamberger

Be Intentional About your Artist Journey with Cindy Jay and Debbie Bamberger

Every year, Get Messy hosts a workshop on reflecting back on the year, and creating intentions for the year ahead. This year we have two very special guests. Print out the workbook, grab a pen and watch the video below where Debbie, Cindy, and Caylee walk you through reflecting on 2019 and planning for 2020.

Cindy Jay and Debbie Bamberger are prolific artists with big hearts. I sat down with them to reflect on our 2019 years in art, and to create intentions for 2020. This is an informal episode where friends chat and laugh, but one with so many takeaways from these wise women.

Join us to reflect on your year and plan for (another) creatively fueled year.

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Walking the 5 Paths of Journaling with Rebecca Kochenderfer

Walking the 5 Paths of Journaling with Rebecca Kochenderfer

In this episode, I chat to Rebecca Kochenderfer, the founder of and a lifetime journaler. Rebecca shares her experiences, approach, and tips surrounding the practise for both business and personal life. She walks us through the five paths of journaling, effects on our well-being and methods of journaling.

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How to Art with Intention with Amy Maricle

How to Art with Intention with Amy Maricle

In this podcast, I chat to Amy Maricle about art with intention. Amy shares some of her most profound views on how to become more aware and intentional in your art practice. We discuss:

what it means to be mindful,
how mindfulness changes your art,
being zen about thinking big and letting go,
the inner critic,
Amy’s weaknesses,
and how to be an artist
As always, Amy is just bursting with insane wisdom.

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How to maintain a creative habit with Anika Lacerte

How to maintain a creative habit with Anika Lacerte

In this podcast, I chat to Anika Lacerte about creative habit. As someone who is currently on her 9th 100 day project, Anika is kind of an expert at it. She shares her top 16 ways for fitting art into your life every single freaking day. Scroll down to download the PDF and keep it with you to refer back to.

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Inspiration is not real

Inspiration is not real

Inspiration does not exist. It’s a lie. Inspiration is not real. True inspiration is the kind that leads to immediate action. Inspiration that leads to nothing tangible is… nothing.

There’s something tangible standing between an idea and something being realised.
That something is YOU.

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Creating Art Beyond Yourself with Morgan Harper Nichols

Creating Art Beyond Yourself with Morgan Harper Nichols

In this episode of the podcast, I was awed by Morgan Harper Nichols. Yup, that’s right. *The* Morgan Harper Nichols. MHN and I talk about how selflessness is important to her artistic process. How she finds purpose in her art by creating beyond herself. As someone who created an entire life and business around creative community, this chat rocked my world.

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The Get Messy Podcast

The Get Messy Podcast

Making art should be easy. Turn up the music, select your arty weapons of choice, crack your knuckles and then, well, make art. But let’s be honest: Art is messy. (Heck, life is messy!) So even though it’s so important to you to be an artist and create art regularly …...

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Non creative books that help your art

Non creative books that help your art

We all love to read about creativity, fill our homes with beautiful giant books with art photos, patterns, and photography in them. These books are as beautiful as they are educational. But living a creative life as an artist begs for more depth and inner exploration,...

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