Artist Spotlight
Janet Joehlin Honors Her Inner Artist by Creating Without Expectation

Janet knew at 12 years old she was going to be an artist but didn’t really achieve that goal till much later in life. Better late than never.
How do you live a creative life?
I spend all my time in my art studio. I have this fever in me and I NEED TO CREATE! I go from journal to journal to activity to project and back to journal. I have found that I need to give up control and just be an ‘instinctive’ creator. Nothing makes me happier than getting paint and markers and colors all over me. (and my clothes)
Do you put your life into your art journal? Or is it focused on technique?
My journals totally reflect me and who I am. Art is Who I Am. I am not good with words so art has helped me learn to express myself. But I love to try new techniques. So I am all over the board.
What is your biggest barrier to creating?
I am my biggest barrier. Slipping back into that perfectionist frame of mind. Feeling Not Good Enough. Fear of rejection. Lack of confidence. Disorganization. Stress. Lack of time and busyness don’t help either. My Grandbabies come to visit and then everything is a ‘Collaboration’ with them! Look out!
How do you get over that hurdle?
I just show up at my art table every day. Sometimes all it takes is sticking my fingers in paint or holding onto a marker. Sometimes I just gesso papers to use for journal pages. Sometimes I need to go sit at my sewing machine and COME BACK TO my art table. I need to remember that I NEED to create. I don’t have to show anyone. I just need to do it for myself.
Art Peace=Showing Up
What has been your biggest lesson when it comes to creating art?
Just Show UP and be your bravest self possible. Use your intuition! And do it for yourself, for the LOVE OF ART. To quench that fever! I need to create in order to have peace in my head….
What is your favourite art journal page you’ve ever made? Why is it your favourite?
I don’t know if I have an all time favorite. Any one I am working on… at any given moment… that makes my heart sing… THAT is my favorite.

✨ Free class for creatives ✨
In How to Start Art Journaling, we’ll walk you through the art of art journaling, including how to start doing (🙌) and make your very first art journal page (even if you’ve never even opened an art journal before).
Have you ever actively disliked a page you’ve made? What did you do with it?
I have been known to paint over something hideous…. But mostly I just turn the page and start again! You can’t be afraid to make ugly art! It happens. Not everything is a masterpiece.
Have you ever been through artist block? What did you do to overcome it?
JUST SHOW UP. There were times when I was on a deadline for a StencilGirl blog post that I was using a (foreign to me) new product and I had no idea what to make or how to use said product..… well you just start. You just do it. Make marks. Squeeze paint. Spread glitter. Spray Inks. Just play.
Art = Play
What’s the best art advice you’ve ever received?
I really struggled having confidence in doing art and showing art in the beginning. And I wasn’t kidding that at 12 years old I said to myself “I am going to be an artist” but I had no idea what that meant or how to get there. I had no vision for it and only DIScouragement from teachers and adults around me. I got married and had babies instead. Fast forward to about 2010 when I actually started art journaling. Bam! No confidence AT ALL. But I knew I needed to do it. Brave Girls Club (now called Brave Living) and attending Brave Girls Camp in Idaho helped me tremendously. I had so much baggage surrounding me…what will people think..they will laugh at me..this is one wants to see it..quit bragging..this is are’re not an have no training..this is ugly…you are ugly… STOP! So the best advice I’ve ever received is just DO IT ANYWAYS. Do art because you love it. Do it for yourself. It DOESN’T MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS. Just do it because you LOVE to do it.
What does community do for your creating?
I love the inspiration that comes from being among like-minded people. It’s fun to see all the different interpretations of prompts, classes and tutorial lessons. It’s fun to see the different artist’s styles. I have met some of my dearest and closest friends and sisters through the Brave Girl Community. And this Get Messy Community is so diverse and encouraging and supportive too. I think you need to rub elbows with other creative people to keep sharpening your own creative practice. It’s a wide path and there is room for all of us!
Who would you like to celebrate in the Get Messy community?
Yikes! If you are looking for a specific person then I’d say Nullsie! I love her work!
But as a whole.. I want to give a shout out to EVERYONE WHO SHOWS UP!
You are Good enough. You are Brave enough. You are all artists. Just keep on creating!

Janet Joehlin
Janet knew at 12 years old she was going to be an artist but didn’t really achieve that goal till much later in life. Better late than never.
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