The Art of Book Writing with Misty Granade

Together with Caylee Grey and guests, we’ll explore what it REALLY means to be an artist. Practically. Warts and all. So that you can be an artist, today, now, even if you work a day job, have a million and one commitments and own a cat that likes sitting on your art.

No more excuses. Okay? Okay.

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When I started art journaling, I started because I wanted to be an artist. But, step one to being an artist is making art. It’s the same for writing a book. Step one to writing a book is actually sitting down and writing.

The absolute Queen of Process, The Queen of Doing the Thing, is Misty Granade.

When I found out that she was writing a book I knew that I had to talk to her about the process of writing. Misty is someone who is comfortable in the messy middle in her art and her writing. She has really good insights into how to talk to yourself in the messy middle.

This conversation is going to feed your soul.

We talk about process, the book she’s writing, why she’s writing, her struggles, how she overcomes them, how she adapts everything to be what she needs it to be in order to maintain the fun.

In the end, it’s all about the fun.

Podcast Show Notes

We discuss:

  • finding joy in creativity
  • starting with a mindmap

Misty’s original mindmap

  • thinking about thinking
  • the writing process and ambience playlists on YouTube (such as this one)
  • finding joy
  • writing with someone in mind
  • creating accountability through publishing blog posts

“If it feeds your soul, do that thing”
– Misty Granade

  • the hardest part of writing is asking “what am I going to not do in order to do this thing?”
  • making things work for you
  • getting over perfectionism and seeing a book or creative product as a snapshot in time


Misty Granade

Misty Granade is an abstract mixed media artist from Alabama. While she has been an artist her whole life, her professional artist career started in 2013. Her interests range across a variety of arts and crafts such as contemporary mixed media art, art journaling, book binding, eco dying, and crochet. Misty enjoys helping other artists explore their own creative paths. She writes about art and process on her blog. She has published articles in online and print magazines. She's taught art journaling classes both online and in person and been a community facilitator for an online art community. Misty's work has been a part of numerous solo and group shows.

Caylee Grey, host of Get Messy

The Get Messy Podcast

I’m Caylee Grey. Creator of Get Messy, official fairy freaking artmother and your pro excuse-squashing ninja.

In the Get Messy podcast I’ll be chatting to a selection of amazing, real-life humans just like you are who are dealing with the very same barriers … but overcoming them to create their art.

Together, we’ll explore what it REALLY means to be an artist. Practically. Warts and all. So that you can be an artist, today, now, even if you work a day job, have a million and one commitments and own a cat that likes sitting on your art.

No more excuses. Okay? Okay.