Artist Spotlight

Shilpa Nagaonkar forgets everything when she makes art and her hands are messy with paint

Shilpa is a Mixed Media Artist and Art Journaler. Although a graduate in Economics, she's always had an inclination for art. Having worked with several art supply organizations from the USA, Europe, and India, she has honed her skills as a designer. She works and sells her Original works and Art Prints out of her home studio in Bangalore, India. You can also find her teaching and encouraging other artists at offline art workshops.

What is art journaling to you?

Art Journaling for me is a self-expression of emotions at that particular moment. My journals are filled with my Thoughts, Questions, Findings, Imaginations, Adventures and Inspirations

What does community do for your art?

Art Community offers a ton of support for me and my art. It helps me keep myself happy, sane and growing.

How do you live a creative life? How do you incorporate journaling into that?

For me, making art is life. Inspiration to create art is usually automatic. I try to bring everything around me onto my substrate through colors and texture. A song I’ve heard, the weather, a person, word, and sometimes nature all inspire me. Being a classic Scorpio, I also tend to make my art intense.

What does your creative space look like? Where do you journal?

The art room in my home is a dedicated creative space for me.

Do you have creative routines?

I clean up my table after I finish every project.
I must have coffee on my art table before I start.
I mostly like to work in the morning or around midnight.

What is your favourite art journal page that you’ve ever made and why?

There are many… this one is my newest favourite. I had just learned new mixed media techniques and I was able to incorporate them here perfectly. I like to experiment with new techniques, tools, and mediums.

What is your biggest barrier to creating? And how do you overcome that hurdle?

Peace of mind… until now. Having been in an abusive relationship for a long time, I used to be in a constant state of fear, anxiety, depression. To overcome it I pushed myself hard to make more art. I forget everything when I make art and my hands are messy with paints.

Have you ever made something you don’t like? What did you do?

Countless times! I can’t stand it. I tear up and the journal page ends up in the trash.

Have you ever been through artist block? How did you return to your work?

Yes, definitely. I take a break for a couple of days to binge-watch movies or TV series, read books and listen to music.
I don’t go away from creating for too long. Otherwise, it gets hard to come back.

How has Get Messy impacted your creativity?

Get Messy gave me courage to create chaos/ mess in my art journals and be OK with that. I’m a perfectionist, so it can get hard sometimes. This community helped me understand that it is okay to “let go”.

Get Messy also helped me meet a lot of new artsy friends. It’s heartwarming to know that they understand my artsy language and inspire me every single day.

✨ Free class for creatives ✨

In How to Start Art Journaling, we’ll walk you through the art of art journaling, including how to start doing (🙌) and make your very first art journal page (even if you’ve never even opened an art journal before).

What journal do you use?

Recently, I have started making my own art journals. For technique-specific pages I use a watercolor paper journal. I also love to work in my Junk Journals.

What is your one *must have* supply?

Acrylic paints

What do you make when you don’t know what to make?

I go to my journal and just start… Before I know it, I will have finished a page.

What is the most important (non-tool) thing to your creative practice?

I aim to learn something new every time I create, trivial or not.

Who are your favourite Messy artists?

Kasia Avery, Michelle Schratz, Kristy Kensinger, Dina Wakley.. many out there

What’s the best art advice you’ve ever received?

Practice….Practice.. Practice

Advice to new art journalers:

Just start.. Make art everyday.

Shilpa Nagaonkar

Shilpa is a Mixed Media Artist and Art Journaler. Although a graduate in Economics, she's always had an inclination for art. Having worked with several art supply organizations from the USA, Europe, and India, she has honed her skills as a designer. She works and sells her Original works and Art Prints out of her home studio in Bangalore, India. You can also find her teaching and encouraging other artists at offline art workshops.

Just start.

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