Artist Spotlight
How Lauren Pearl uses art journaling as a path to freedom

Why do you love art journaling?
I love art journaling because it gives me a chance to focus my mind somewhere else. I am one of those annoying people that have a million thoughts bubbling away in my brain and if you know me and have spoken to me you will have probably worked out I can hold multiple conversations at once switching back and forth between them and most the time confusing everyone. Art journaling lets me focus and lose myself in the colour and empty my mind out for a couple of hours.
Describe your art journaling process?
I’ll be honest, I don’t really have one. Sometimes I have a clear idea of what I want a page to look like and other times I don’t have a clue and just start adding patterns or lettering. The last couple of seasons I have given myself themes within the larger theme, such as for the season of words I went with all things creepy, for the season of Magic I stuck with the creepy theme and looked at black magic. For Happiness I have taken a step away from being a goth, and decided to go from one extreme to another and base my art around neon hues and jazzy patterns. Something I am trying to get better at is taking pictures of my pages; I am trying to develop my style around interesting backgrounds and filters to give life to the pictures.
What tips do you have for beginners?
Don’t worry if you just enjoy art journaling and there isn’t a higher meaning to what you create. I do it purely for the love of creating something. I’m not one of those people that are creating to get through a difficult time nor do I do it as it’s the only way to express myself…I have pink hair and wear weird clothes, I’m clearly happy to express myself. So don’t worry or feel that your art is any less important just because you only do it for enjoyment. Also there are no rules, do what you like- it doesn’t matter if it looks different to what everyone else is doing, that’s what makes you unique.
What do you do when you don’t know what to make?
I have a number of projects on the go where I know clearly what I am doing, normally I just move on to another project until inspiration hits me. I have started making putting together packs for the season, so I have a kit that’s full of all the bits and pieces I want to use for the season of Happy. I normally have a flick through and if all else fails turn to music lyrics and Pinterest.

✨ Free class for creatives ✨
In How to Start Art Journaling, we’ll walk you through the art of art journaling, including how to start doing (🙌) and make your very first art journal page (even if you’ve never even opened an art journal before).
What are your must have supplies? What is your journal of choice?
MARKERPENS!!!!!!!! They are my most favourite thing in the world. I have recently got into Tombow pens…got one too many headaches from Sharpies and they are just so fun to work with. I’m trying to improve on blending technique, as these pens are just so versatile. I can’t recommend them enough. I don’t have a journal of choice, I’m happy to give anything a go!
You are constantly creating and making and it’s so inspiring. How do you find time between a full time job and life things to get creative?
As well as working for the next two years I’m studying, so it is getting harder and harder to squeeze it in. I use my creative time as a reward for working hard on my studies or to unwind after work. I live in London and I work in the creative industry- I’m lucky to be in such a creative and diverse environment that just breeds inspiration and creativity.
You’re currently doing a year of song lyrics. How does music inspire your creativity? Does your project involve any lyrics you find interesting or only those that personally speak to you?
Music is my number one love, it seeps into everything I do. When thinking about a yearlong project, I thought why not pair two things I love? I listen to a bit of everything, this project felt like a good opportunity to show off my eclectic taste and practise my typography. There is a range of lyrics I use ones that speak to my soul, some that I like the way it’s written and others I just can’t get out of my head…Hello Hotline Bling. When posting my lyric for the day; I have chosen not to include the musician but only the name of the song. I want the lyric to stand on its own and not have someone read it judge it because they don’t like the singer/band. So far, I have used songs that I like- maybe further down the line I might go for songs that I don’t like but that have good lyrics. For example I can’t abide Taylor Swift, but I can’t deny how talented of a songwriter she is and how catchy some of those tunes are.
Can you tell us more about heat pressing? What is the best way for someone to get started?
Heat pressing is a technique where by you use heat, ink, a stencil to print a design to paper or fabric. I learnt about this technique as I’m interesting in printing my own silk scarves and this is good way to get started. When I first started out I used professional equipment, but when I got home found that an iron had the same effect.
Speaking of… you’re an absolute whizz with trying out new things.Where do you find new things to try? Do you go searching for them? Can you share a bit about your openness to this?
I find new things all over the place, the Get Messy tutorials, pinterest and Instagram. Sometimes I search for them when I’m bored and I just want to try something new. Other times I come across them and save them to come back to. As I only started art journaling January last year, I feel I’m still developing my style and you can only truly develop and get to know your style by trying new things. I attempt some techniques and think yikes! That’s awful, other times it really works and I have some new to add to my skill set.
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