Artist Spotlight
Mandy expects, accepts, and embraces imperfections in art

Mandy lives in New Zealand and has been creating art and craft since she was a teenager. She came to art journaling through papercraft, card-making, and scrapbooking. Mandy has a passion for mixed-media abstract art and Get Messy is feeding that fire! For two years Mandy taught a card class from her home but found she loved making the papers more than making the cards and it just took off from there.
What is art journaling to you?
It is an escape for me and I feel all tingly and happy and it just makes me smile seeing all the stationery and colour and pens oh my!…
I have finally learnt to be me; it isn’t about what others think about my art because the whole point is that it makes me happy.
What does community do for your art?
I wouldn’t have done as much art if it wasn’t for the community, I have met so so so many wonderful people through Get Messy. I get excited to see what they have done with their art and the new things I can learn or things I can teach others. I get to see and try so many things than I would otherwise because the community is so open and friendly. So many talented artists
How do you live a creative life? How do you incorporate journaling into that?
For me, it is scheduling time with hangouts (Messians: check out Mandy’s Antipodean group that meets twice a week) and saying no to the other distractions in my life even though they are important too but if I don’t have creativity in my life then other things in life go downhill. Expect, accept & embrace imperfections as that was hard for me to do a page if it wasn’t perfect so now I try to not worry about perfect and just have fun.
What does your creative space look like? Where do you journal?
Before Covid, we were planning to travel, but once the world locked down my lovely husband said that we should use the money we had saved for it to build a studio for me in our backyard. It has been the most wonderful thing as I now have space and peace to journal and create
Do you have creative routines?
One night a week I have an art buddy and we get together and art and then twice a week with the Antipodeans group and the Friday night hangout team that I at least do three days a week consistently. My husband is forever telling me to go into my studio and sometimes I feel guilty as he is so supportive but I am truly lucky to be supported in my art.
What is your favourite art journal page that you’ve ever made and why?
I love the colors, stenciling, textures, and overall composition as it just strikes a chord in me. It has the maximalism that is kind of my trademark and the vibrant colors that make me happy
What is your biggest barrier to creating? And how do you overcome that hurdle?
My mood is my issue… if I am having a bad day then I don’t want to get out there and do it but again my husband is my hurdle breaker and pushes me to go and do this as he knows it is cathartic for me and I need this for my life to have balance.
I have a full-time job, and also care for my mother who has Alzheimer’s. It is a real balancing act finding time to do my art without feeling like I’m stealing time that I should be with her, or my husband, or etc, etc, etc…
Have you ever made something you don’t like? What did you do?
All the time! Not every page can be a masterpiece. A few of them I’ll gesso over and start again (it adds texture!), but mostly I keep as there’s always something I’ve learned from them, maybe a technique, or maybe just what not to do next time. It can be inspiring to browse through my journals and see how my art has developed over the years.
Have you ever been through artist block? How did you return to your work?
ALL the time… but I just take paper and make marks on it with black gesso or paint and then it starts flowing. The other thing I do when having a block is tidy my desk and that gets me touching all the different papers and pens and things I had forgotten I had, so then it gets me thinking about how to use it, and woohoo I’m back arting.
How has Get Messy impacted your creativity?
Without Get Messy I wouldn’t have kept to it. It keeps me accountable as I can sometimes flip from one thing to another but Get Messy has so many things to learn and I have been here two years now and I can’t even say I have gotten through quarter of the information that is on the site as it is just endless. The people are inspirational and I have made so many friends.

✨ Free class for creatives ✨
In How to Start Art Journaling, we’ll walk you through the art of art journaling, including how to start doing (🙌) and make your very first art journal page (even if you’ve never even opened an art journal before).
What journal do you use?
I have been making my own journals a lot lately as I feel that I can make it to a size that I like. I love making the covers out of canvas. It’s like I am doing little mini canvases for the wall but making them instead into a cover for my journal.
What is your one *must have* supply?
Give me a Posca marker and I’ll make art. I find Zentangling very calming, just me and a black marker doodling away.
What do you make when you don’t know what to make?
I make room for inspiration. I mean literally – I tidy and organise my workspace so that I have everything where it should be, ready for me to dive into my next project.
What is the most important (non-tool) thing to your creative practice?
My husband. He supports me and, literally and figuratively, creates the space for me to be creative in.
Who are your favourite Messy artists?
I get so much from all art journalers but I get the most out of the Get Messy Antipodeans as we meet twice a week and it keeps me going and inspired and we have learning opportunities every fortnight where we teach each other new things. The GM Friday Night Hangout ladies are an inspiration and love how they are always willing to help and support. Love the flow of Flo. Inspired by Michelle and how she loves exploring what feels right for her art and is a prolific researcher and reader on her passion. Maremis is just passionate with a capital P and love love loves what she does and also loves sharing her work and her knowledge.
What’s the best art advice you’ve ever received?
Stop being your own worst critic.
Advice to new art journalers:
Don’t compare yourself to others… you can’t do them you can only do you. I am a maximalist but I always try to be a minimalist and I can’t… so I embrace that now.

Mandy “MediaMixerArt”
Mandy lives in New Zealand and has been creating art and craft since she was a teenager. She came to art journaling through papercraft, card-making, and scrapbooking. Mandy has a passion for mixed-media abstract art and Get Messy is feeding that fire! For two years Mandy taught a card class from her home but found she loved making the papers more than making the cards and it just took off from there.