Artist Spotlight
How Kellee Wynne views the creative life as a magical life

Kellee Wynne Conrad is the creator of Color Crush Creative, a thriving, internationally followed Instagram community of color loving artists and the online membership program, True Colors. It is through this program that she has been able to connect with the hearts and souls of artists around the world. Kellee believes that there is magic inherent in living a creative life and her true purpose is to bring that magic back in order to share it with those who are longing to realize their creative purpose.
What is your creative story?
I’m a fourth generation artist. My childhood was all about running through sculpture gardens and playing in the neighbors’ art studios… what was this wonderland? It’s undeniable that my upbringing, while somewhat unusual, left me with a strong impression that we can live the life of our dreams through art. That there is magic inherent in living a creative life. My true purpose is to bring that magic back and share it with those who are longing to realize their creative purpose.
What tips do you have for beginners?
My tip is for beginners and experts alike. (Not to simply repeat every other basic advice I’ve heard but this fact is universally true.) You have to make a lot of artwork to know how to make your artwork. You even have to make bad artwork. It’s the best teacher. The more you make the more you will begin to understand what you like and don’t like, what works for you and what doesn’t, what excites your soul and what bores you…and these discoveries will lead you to where you want to go. And as soon as you think you know, you must do it again because we are ever changing and growing.
What do you do when you don’t know what to make?
Artists block is a real thing. I’ve learned to embrace it and accept that it happens rather than fight through it and feel frustrated. When I feel blocked, it’s usually because I’ve been neglecting other parts of my life and have outside influences that I’ve been ignoring. I give myself grace and take some time off from the expectations of making art. This usually means that I end up doing something equally creative but different, like gardening, reading, going to museums, playing with my family more or cleaning out the closets. It doesn’t take long before I find myself sparked by a new ideas and craving my paints again.
How do you fill your inspiration well?
I really try to observe the world and the elements and express my relationship to that experience in marks, color and motion. At the moment I am really taking in the fall colors and natural elements and I feel like a child observing autumn for the first time, but in another month I’ll be traveling and I am sure the old architecture of Europe and layers of history will capture my heart. By spring there will be something about the burst of color as everything grows that will keep me craving more flowers and then in time the sky will begin to fascinate me again and I will have no choice but to look and see and feel and figure out how to capture all of that as art….but it could just as well be the stars or an old book or a conversation about time and mystery. I just try to keep my eyes open with great wonder and see what flows through me.

What are your must have supplies?
Always Golden Fluid Acrylic Paints, Princeton Catalyst Brushes, Large sheets of hot press paper and graphite. Right now I am also obsessed with the Gelli Plate and watercolor paint. Tomorrow I will happen upon something else I am sure, and then I will have to share my discoveries in my True Colors lessons.
Do you feel like your art reflects your personality? How do you get it to look like you?
I think my art is a good reflection of me, especially the different elements of me. I know so many times we hear as artists that we need to narrow our focus and have one signature style – but my style is a conglomerate of all the facets of my personality. It took me a long time to accept that it was ok to not have to stick to one thing….and after looking at all my work as a whole I could see common threads or themes running through each style or subject. Eclectic, curious, joyful, abundant, global, natural, playful, serious, etc…it’s all a reflection of me in one way or another and I am excited to see how I turn up in my art next. The most important thing is to not let preconceived “rules” hold you back from discovering your best work.
What are you currently working on?
In addition to building and growing my beautiful online program for artists, True Colors, I am also creating one-of-a-kind ecourses based on my travels and observations of mesmerizing architecture and art around the world. I’m kicking off the series with my #timelessarches series after traveling to New York City and Paris followed by Portugal and the patterns of their tiles and then eventually to India and beyond!. The world abounds with endless inspiration and I hope I have enough time in my life to explore most of my bucket list and be able to bring you along with me.
Tell us more about True Colors
True Colors is a subscription-based program for artists that delivers quality content, inspiring lessons and a supportive community on a monthly schedule. True Colors will open a floodgate of exciting new methods for creating acrylic and mixed media artwork. We will not shy away from bright colors and bold marks. Join me as I share all the secrets to my luminous layered method of acrylic painting while at the same time digging deep into the creative process to help you discover your personal artistic style. Learning how to ask questions as we paint and look for answers in each mark is an important part of finding your own True Colors!
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Kellee Wynne
Kellee Wynne Conrad is the creator of Color Crush Creative, a thriving, internationally followed Instagram community of color loving artists and the online membership program, True Colors. It is through this program that she has been able to connect with the hearts and souls of artists around the world. Kellee believes that there is magic inherent in living a creative life and her true purpose is to bring that magic back in order to share it with those who are longing to realize their creative purpose.