Art journal blog

Creative Reflections and Intentions: Goal Setting as an Artist

Get Messy is an online art journaling school that teaches you to cultivate your creativity. Without perfection.

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The end of the year holds so much resolution and finality. It’s the closing of a chapter. But this also implies the newness of the next. It holds so much promise. Rather than focusing on the end or on the beginning, I encourage you to sit right in that feeling of promise. Sit right in this contemplative time. Right in the glorious mess of the middle.

Inside of the Get Messy membership, this month we’re right in the Season of Promise. We’re ending the year off on a high note – celebrating all the small and big wins of the year, throwing confetti at each time we chose art over dishes, and planning for a 2022 that sets our artist hearts on fire.

Prompts and explorations

Take the time to celebrate how far you’ve come. Reconnect with yourself, your heart, and the art you want to make. If you need some help with that, work through the annual Reflections + Intentions workbook. You can download it below.

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Caylee Grey

Caylee Grey is the host of Get Messy and a South African perfectionist currently pursuing imperfection.