Get Messy

art journal Blog

Get Messy is an online art journaling school that teaches you to cultivate your creativity. Without perfection.

We’d love for you to join us. 

It’s time for us to go back to our roots.

It’s time for us to go back to our roots.

My dear beautiful, beautiful Messy Artist It’s time for us to go back to our roots.  Get Messy has always been a place that evolves and adapts and fits around your life rather than the other way around. It’s never been a place where you have to change to be a part of...

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Artist Dates: Everything you need to know

Artist Dates: Everything you need to know

Floating around in the art world, you may have heard of the term Artist Date. Maybe more than once. Maybe only about one-hundred-and-thirty-seven times. Stemming from Julia Cameron's seminal book, The Artist’s Way, artist dates are a tried and tested way of connecting...

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6 Lessons from ‘Do the Work’ by Steven Pressfield – and how to apply them to your art making

6 Lessons from ‘Do the Work’ by Steven Pressfield – and how to apply them to your art making

If you’re part of the Get Messy community, you have almost definitely heard of Steven Pressfield. His book, Do the Work, lays out the nuts and bolts of getting creative work done. I was recently lent the book by a friend and rocketed through it in about two hours…. Yes, it’s only a short book, but yes, it’s also that good. And yes, I would highly recommend that you read it. But in order to pass on some of its wisdom before it’s in your hot little hands, here are 6 important lessons that I learned from Do the Work – and how to apply them to your art-making.

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A Spa for Your Creative Soul with Shay Kent

A Spa for Your Creative Soul with Shay Kent

Shay is so full of wisdom and kindness, and she encourages that you create the same within yourself too. After hearing a testimonial about her class, that it was “like a spa for your creative soul”, I knew I had to pick her brain. Grab your supplies and listen while...

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How to Create a Scraps Diary

How to Create a Scraps Diary

In this video, Autumn Moon shares what exactly a Scraps Diary is about. She pages through her Diary and shares the spirit behind it, the guidelines, the essence, and what it means to her. Video Transcript Please note that this transcript has been automagically...

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Follow Your Curiosity with Pete DeMarco

Follow Your Curiosity with Pete DeMarco

I had never thought of photography as art. I had always thought it was just for logical people following a very precise way of doing things. It felt like the opposite of creativity to me. Enter Pete. Pete sees creativity in a way not unlike my own - as a looping...

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The Joy of Ripping Paper

The Joy of Ripping Paper

Type “ripped paper” into Google and you’ll be delivered almost 65 million results, with the first few pages pretty much solely taken up by Pinterest pics and downloadable ripped paper PNGs. Ok, we got it, the world is pretty into it. And so am I: ever since I can...

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Dance Naked in Perfection’s Face with T Grey

Dance Naked in Perfection’s Face with T Grey

Every guest I have on the podcast is my favourite, but this is my favourite favourite and most exciting. It's someone who excites me every day. My husband, T Grey. We're talking about what it's like being on the other side of someone who lives life creatively. We get...

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