Your handwriting. The way you walk. Which china pattern you choose. It’s all giving you away. Everything you do shows your hand. Everything is a self-portrait. A diary. Your whole drug history’s in a strand of your hair. Your fingernails. The forensic details. The...

Kelli Saginak
Kelli enjoys serving as a Certified Life & Weight Coach, and Nationally Certified Health & Wellness Coach. She is also a Professor Emeritus of Counselor Education and Supervision. Kelli specializations in the neuroscience of anxiety, stress, and emotional eating, and helping women heal and thrive through self-compassion, self-love, and self-worth. In her free time, Kelli loves spending time with her family, walking, reading, cooking, and perfecting the art of “being” more and “doing” less.
05 My Worth
Set yourself up for heart-led creating. Smell the flowers. Pick a few. Close your eyes in the sun. Take the murdered flowers to your workspace. Feel the earth at your feet. Notice the details. Breathe in. Make a cup of tea. You're ready. What does my mind...
04 My Truth
At the core of who you are is your truth. We often need to remind ourselves of this truth. The world likes to try to get us to forget. Journaling.Meditating.Heartstorming.Creating. All of these are great ways to remind us of our truth. For MIND, meditate on the...
03 Creation
To prepare for the creating in the next three lessons, connect with what each of the three areas mean to you. Create a mood board, curate a kit of supplies that soothe you, and bring you back towards yourself. Grab a slice of cake...Download the mood board templates...
Let Go of Control and Make Imperfect Art with Kelli Saginak
You guys. This is an episode in which I share the wisdom and kindness of my life coach. This is the one single human who has changed my life the most in the past year - the beautiful Kelli Saginak. Kelli opens up about her history with control and anxiety, we talk...
Continue Exploring
This class has given you tools for your arsenal in the journey that is your Unfolding. Now, it is up to you to continue exploring, connecting, and deepening.Resources to continue meditating and support your practice: Meditation Apps Calm Headspace Insight Timer 10%...
02 Heartstorming
This is how we see heartstorming:Read the original text by Father Paul Keenan.Transcript Oh, yes. Heartstorming. Through this experience, Caylee and I, rely on Father Paul Keenan and his definition and view of heartstorming, which you can also read in his book,...
Self-Compassion, Self-Love, and Self-Worthiness
Worthiness#gmseasonofworthinessTo prepare your heart for the new Get Messy class called Unfold - The Art of Meditative Journaling, I interviewed (my) life coach, Kelli...
01 Meditation
The term meditation means in Latin, “to ponder.” Simply, meditation is a mindful practice of becoming aware, deepening, expanding, and contemplating or pondering our awareness. Meditation is personal. It’s uniquely individual and we invite you to make it your own. A...
Welcome to Unfold. This course is all about the art of meditative journaling and the self-nurturing practice of using meditation combined with art journaling as a path to a deeper understanding and connection with yourself. The course is intentionally designed with...