

If you still have questions about what to expect in GM, send an email to
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About Get Messy + art journaling

What exactly is Get Messy?

Get Messy is a catalyst for artistic growth, a guide for creative living through art journaling, a platform for rising artists of all types, and a creative community.

Get Messy is your invitation to ignore perfection in lieu of making a mess, playing, and having serious fun. Your permission slip to ignore the dishes and work on your creative habit. Your connection to others who are on the same path as you. People who have “made it” as artists and those who are just beginning. Get Messy empowers you to live a creative life with a regular creative practice and a community of enthusiastic and creative people who totally get that feeling of too many art supplies, not enough time.

Get Messy is hosted by Caylee Grey, with a host of creative mentors along the way.

What is Get Messy Art UG?

Get Messy Art UG (haftungsbeschränkt) is the full name of the German company. Actually, the full name is Get Messy Art Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt). Thanks for that, Germany.

With a South African at the helm, we’re pretty international.

Get Messy’s mission is to empower 10 000 artists into a regular creative practise. We use the art journal as the tool for this creative practise, and the community as our catalyst.

What is art journaling?

Your art journal is the place for you to

  • try out art techniques that you’ve learned,
  • practise artistic expression,
  • document your life through words, photos, collage, paint streaks, 
  • process thoughts and emotions, 
  • create things just for yourself or to share with the world

Our hashtag is a great place to see a visual representation.

We have a free class called How to Start Art Journaling if you’d like to dig right in. 

Who are the mentors?

Part of the Get Messy community means that everyone is inspiring each other.

Here are some of our guest artists, featured artists, class teachers, and creative team members.

And here are even more insanely inspiring Get Messians.

About Get Messians

Who is Get Messy for?

If you believe in

  • making and embracing the mess
  • “happy accidents” – thanks, Bob Ross!
  • nurturing a creative habit
  • connecting with and being your fellow artists biggest cheerleader

Then you’re our type of human.

Who is Get Messy not for?

  • Those who have never made anything in their life, not even tried a colouring page
  • Those going through a dark time who are looking for a website instead of a therapist (we’ll make your life better but we can’t fix it)
  • The uncommitted or the non-hustler
  • People who believe it’s all about them (we have a community of givers)
  • Those who are here just to receive others’ approval
  • Excuses

While Get Messy does have a whole stack of amazing artists who are earning income from their art, we are not specifically aimed at them, and do not have tutorials focused on earning an income from art. For now, Get Messy is focused on the art itself.

Is Get Messy only for women?


We just love pink. 

And anyways, gender norms have no place in art.

What skill level do I need to join?

Get Messy is focused on three types of people:

The Newbie

You may feel creative, but you aren’t acting on those feelings yet. Perhaps you have tried things like scrapbooking or knitting, and the idea of putting paint onto paper excites and scares you.

For those who have never art journaled before, we recommend starting with our totally free How to Start Art Journaling class. This class will give you a taster of art journaling so you can see if it’s for you.

The Creative Dabbler

You are a maker. You’ve made stuff. Some may be art journal pages, and some may be other things. Things and stuff.

We dare you to give art journaling a real try. We’re like 99% sure you’ll LOVE IT.

The Art Rockstar

Our goal is to get you here. This is the person who is creating art habitually – whether that means adding one element to your art journal each week, or finishing a double spread of art journal pages every day.

Get Messy is really good at being the catalyst to keep you making. All you need to do is show up.

Do I need to have graduated from art school to join?


Will Get Messy teach me to run a creative business?

No. Indirectly, at best.

While Get Messy does have a whole stack of artists who are earning income from their art, most Get Messians make for the sheer pleasure of it.

We are not specifically aimed at them, and do not have in depth resources on making a creative business.

Do I need to have an established art habit?

Nope. We’ll show you the ropes. 

Is there a list of required supplies?

The beauty of art journaling is that you can use all the supplies you already have.

Get Messy is not a technique-based art school. We encourage creative thinking. We always endeavour to suggest alternatives to supplies, and we believe that every single lesson can be done using supplies not used in the lesson.

Except bookbinding.

You’ll probably want to follow the exact steps to French Stitch if you want a French Stitch. 

Unless you’re a rebel, and then there have been pretty cool things made by not following the steps exactly…

How much time is required each month?

We’re all about fitting art into your life and not the other way around. Get Messy lessons range in time from 59 seconds to 1.5 hours long. 

We believe that you can create art during pockets of time – while waiting for the microwave to beep, during naptime, after brushing your teeth at night. We also believe in taking art vacations and making time for art when you can manage it.

If you’re up to your ears in work, health problems, or a new baby, and have absolute no time at all to create, and the idea of finding even 10 minutes in a week stresses you out, that’s okay too. Maybe this is not your season for Get Messy. 

Boring but important admin things

Where is the Membership?

Everything is housed on the private membership site. After registration, you’ll be required to create a username and password. 

Through the site, you’ll be able to access all teaching, the community Forums, Gallery, and Zoom Hangouts (face to computer to face creating in live time). 

What tech level do I need to have?

You are expected to have a basic understanding of technology. While we delight in helping you figure out how to do something, and will provide as many non-art, tech tutorials as we can, this is not a tech support membership. 

Do you offer refunds?

We have a 14 day money back guarantee. No questions asked!

How long do I have access for?

If you join on a monthly basis, you will have access for one month from the day you register. It automagically renews each month with payment due that day. Like Netflix. 

If you join on an annual basis, you’ll have access for 365 days from registration day. You’ll receive a reminder that it’s due for renewal and on your Messy cake day it will be renewed unless you stop it. 

You can pause or stop your membership at any time, and you will continue to have access until the end of the billing period.

You will have access as long as you are a member.

More questions?

If we haven’t answered your question, or if you have a specific question to ask, we really do love receiving your emails and giving clarity.

 Email [email protected]

If Get Messy is what you've been longing for, we invite you to join us

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