Creating Authentic Art from the Inbetween with Rachael Helmore

Together with Caylee Grey and guests, we’ll explore what it REALLY means to be an artist. Practically. Warts and all. So that you can be an artist, today, now, even if you work a day job, have a million and one commitments and own a cat that likes sitting on your art.

No more excuses. Okay? Okay.

Never miss an episode

Rachael is my friend in real life. Not only is this episode proof that I have friends, it’s also an exploration into what creating art in the “in-between” looks like. Rach is someone who says things that are so profound that I have to whip out my notebook in real life to write it down. I knew that we had to record one of our discussions for the podcast. This particular chat centered around what living as an artist means, practically. Looking for space to grow, but still giving ourselves safety. Using all the different bits of life, taking what we need, and turning them (sometimes) into art that is true.

Podcast Show Notes

We discuss:

  • learning how to see and capturing what you take in
  • eliminating the space between mind and hand
  • removing the inner critic
  • bringing back the joy of art
  • ruts and artist book
  • being aware of the parts we like and following them
  • Artist with an A
  • the different ways we can live with art
  • Baumgartner Restoration on YouTube
  • the meanings we give our materials
  • fear as an indicator and fear as showing what something means
  • fear keeping us trapped, and what happens when we move past fear
  • staying stuck vs. comfortable vs. having a safe space
  • growth vs. a safe harbour
  • space to be free
  • having a time for everything – defining art, asking why, and digging deeper
  • art supplies as outsourcing our creativity
  • “baptising” your supplies and continuing the high
  • collaborating with your supplies, seeing it as a partnership and two-way street
  • full immersion

See Rachael’s post for the Get Messy Blog here.

Rachael Helmore

Rachael Helmore is an Australian artist and writer, currently living in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She writes and makes art to connect with herself, with others and with the world around her. Rapid observational drawing – normally without looking at the page – forms the basis of her art making practice. Her current works explore ideas of culture, home, homelands, landscape and belonging through the use of found images.

Caylee Grey, host of Get Messy

The Get Messy Podcast

I’m Caylee Grey. Creator of Get Messy, official fairy freaking artmother and your pro excuse-squashing ninja.

In the Get Messy podcast I’ll be chatting to a selection of amazing, real-life humans just like you are who are dealing with the very same barriers … but overcoming them to create their art.

Together, we’ll explore what it REALLY means to be an artist. Practically. Warts and all. So that you can be an artist, today, now, even if you work a day job, have a million and one commitments and own a cat that likes sitting on your art.

No more excuses. Okay? Okay.