Collaboration for Art and Heart with Char + Claudette

Together with Caylee Grey and guests, we’ll explore what it REALLY means to be an artist. Practically. Warts and all. So that you can be an artist, today, now, even if you work a day job, have a million and one commitments and own a cat that likes sitting on your art.

No more excuses. Okay? Okay.

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For the month of January, we focused on creative collaboration at Get Messy. Claudette Hasenjager and Char DeRouin led the way to nurture a safe space for artists to find their creative soul mate. For just the month, or for beyond.

This excitement about creative collaboration stemmed from their own experiences collaborating with each other. In this episode, we discuss their fears, style mixing, and mutual fangirling while being each other’s personal cheerleader. We discuss the best way to find someone to collaborate with, what working with another artist has done to their own work, and just generally get mushy about each other.

It’s a vrou-mance (an Afrikaans version of Bro-mance for women) and it’s beautiful to listen to. By the end of the episode, you’ll be rushing to your phone to invite one of your favourites to make some art with you.

Podcast Show Notes

We discuss:

  • Get Messy’s Season of Collaboration
  • Artist Tinder
  • how having a collaboration is a great way of starting something new (like a YouTube channel!)
  • how to make a collaboration your own
  • the definition of artist collaboration
  • the two most important things for any artist collaboration: trust and honesty and practical ways to create that
  • knowing that you’re not alone in your creative struggles
  • being someone else’s cheerleader and having your own personal cheerleader
  • how your style evolves when you study another artist’s work
  • looking for the gems
  • 3 tips for a successful collaboration:
    • be yourself
    • choose community over competition
    • choose fun!
  • collaboration as a soft place to land

Char + Claudette

Char is an artist, designer and maker whose work is abstract, intuitive and organic in style, with a no-rules approach. She loves using her creativity for personal expression and connection. Claudette is passionate about helping other women embrace those parts of themselves that they often feel shame around. She believes that those parts are where our magic lies. Using art, we can explore and cultivate these parts of ourselves and learn to love them deeply.

Caylee Grey, host of Get Messy

The Get Messy Podcast

I’m Caylee Grey. Creator of Get Messy, official fairy freaking artmother and your pro excuse-squashing ninja.

In the Get Messy podcast I’ll be chatting to a selection of amazing, real-life humans just like you are who are dealing with the very same barriers … but overcoming them to create their art.

Together, we’ll explore what it REALLY means to be an artist. Practically. Warts and all. So that you can be an artist, today, now, even if you work a day job, have a million and one commitments and own a cat that likes sitting on your art.

No more excuses. Okay? Okay.