In this Artist Date with Cindy, we will glue and paint and then gesso and then glue and then paint some more. And then maybe some more.
Art Journal Catalysts
Guided artist dates, unedited interviews, and live webinars
How to Photograph Your Journal
Hello, lovely Messians! Sasha (@sasha_zeen) here! Many of you might know me as a fellow Messian and the Get Messy Instagram Community Manager. I am so excited to be here to share a quick photo tutorial with you. Whether you are only starting out your creative or...
Ep 001: Just do something
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
Ep 017: Enjoy the process
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
Ep 016: You just have to trust in your creative intuition
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
Ep 015: You’re not going to be the best until you’re the worst first
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
Bookbinding Secrets with Kiala
Bookbinding expert, Kiala, takes us step by step through binding a journal.
Reflections + Intentions 2019/2020
This annual Get Messy tradition has two exciting guests join in…
Ep 013: Everyone is a beginner
Misty chats with Divyam about the creative process.
Ep 012: You don’t really make it your own until you start doing it for yourself
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
Ep 010: Whatever Happens, Happens
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
Ep 007: Your bad art only makes you better
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a top...
Ep 006: Starting is all that matters
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
Ep 005: Art Journaling as a way of documenting life
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
Ep 003: Think about the world in a slightly different way
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
Ep 002: Pretty is nice but true is better
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
Quieten the Itty-Bitty-Shitty Committee
Holly guides you through mindful art practice to go from unkind self words to positive affirmations.
The Voice of this Moment: Using Journaling to Find Meaning and Hope
Connect with your deepest self in your journal, and discover a vantage point on the current crisis that offers meaning and hope.
Failure and imperfection
A pep talk by Tiffany on rejection, failure, and fighting imperfection.
Mindful Art with Amy
Amy from Mindful Art Studio demonstrates using art for mindfulness in order to find beauty and relaxation.
Find Your Style
We have a hack for finding your style and it doesn’t involve selling a kidney, so that’s a bonus.
Tell Your Story with Amy
Amy talks creativity through bullet journaling, documenting, and telling your story in your journal.
Documenting Color with Sarah
Create color swatches to cut apart to make simple collage palettes and patterns with Sarah.
Collage and Create Alongside Katie
The collage queen invites you to make a paper mess alongside her.
Expressive Arts: Get Uncomfortable
Get uncomfortable, nudge your creative process, think and feel about your art making…
Expressive Arts: Bust Our of Your Process
Bust out of your creative personal process. Yikes!
Expressive Arts: Explore Your Process
A workshop by Michele to explore your personal creative process and what you are holding in.
Creative Warm-Up Exercises
During this hangout, Jenny shared a creative warm-up exercise that can be used for those busy days when it’s hard to fit art in.
Paint Flowers with Julie
Flower queen, Julie, teaches two different acrylic floral painting techniques.
Travel Journaling
Lauren and Vanessa are together in 3D in Korea and chat about their travel journal kits and what supplies they travel with.
Make Art Everyday with Sketchbook Skool
Sketchbook Skool chats with us about making art part of your life, and shows pages from their sketchbooks.
Commonplace Books with Brandi
Solid ideas for Brandi’s favourite way to create – with commonplace books.
Vulnerability and Freedom with Ali
Effervescent Ali chats about being kind to yourself, how to find inspiration in your own work, and vulnerability.
Spend time with Pam and her Journals
We’re obsessed with Pam’s handbound art journal collection. It’s a good thing she’s sharing them with us.
Reflections + Intentions 2018/2019
We’re talking creative reflection and intentions. Looking back at what you’ve made, and how to make great art goals.
How to bind a vintage book into a junk journal (no perfection needed)
Bind your own journal using an old book… as old as you’d like. With a lot less perfection than you think you need.
Art for Excitement and Yumminess
Affirmation#gmseasonofaffirmationThis is a live recording from the Get Messy podcast This live video is beautifully unedited. For the polished, audio-only...
Real life is what makes the art what it is
You’re putting your life into it so that’s what makes it something special.
Home Season Hangout Replay with Char
A wonderfully casual hangout with Char. Join this freeform hangout as we chat about dinosaurs, cake, and art journaling.
The 5 Paths of Journaling
Reflection Journaling takes us travelling through wide-ranging landscapes and across wild terrain. This adventure is like a guided tour down five paths leading toward...
Photographing and videoing your art journal for teaching
We asked Jules for the way she photographs and videos her art journals as an artist and art teacher. She's sharing all of this goodness for you... enjoy! NB: I use my Samsung S7 for all photographs and video Photos Step 1 = create art on desk, this is usually a messy...
Ep 004: Find something deeper with art journaling
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a top...
Creative habit with Anika Lacerte
As someone who is currently on her 9th 100 day project, Anika is kind of an expert at it. She shares her top 16 ways for fitting art into your life every single freaking day.
Intuitive Painting with Vanessa
This is a casual Live Masterclass in a hangout format. Follow along as Vanessa shows how to paint intuitively.
Bloom Season Hangout Replay with Francisca
This is a snippet of our Season of Bloom hangout with Francisca. This is an unstructured hangout and the only invitation was to bring collage papers with.
The Recovering Perfectionist’s Guide to Making Art
Download Save this mini workbook to your computer, print it out, and let it accompany you on your artistic journey this season. Your guide Caylee Grey Hyperbolic journaler and imperfect artist, Caylee Grey is also a wife and mother from South Africa. Caylee is the...
The Scaredy Cat’s Guide to Color
Download Save this mini workbook to your computer, print it out, and let it accompany you on your artistic journey this season. Your guide Caylee Grey Hyperbolic journaler and imperfect artist, Caylee Grey is also a wife and mother from South Africa. Caylee is the...
Art as a Must Do Rather than a Nice to Do with Gilly Welch
In this Messy Conversations episode, Jenna chats with Gilly about her creative process and thinking around art journaling. They discuss how art journaling encormpasses everything and how you make it what you want it to be.
Gilly shares how she’s able to be creative every single day due to the freedom given – no boundaries, and no rules. We are all busy but when we put small bits together with pockets of time, it starts to make a huge difference.
Don’t Compromise with Barbara J Graham
Barbara’s lessons from her own creative story. Going to art school at 37. Exploring mediums like a child, how the inner critic shouldn’t exist, resourcefulness and restraint, and never compromising.
Learn to Love Your Sketchbook and Create Consistently
Minnie Small shares the joys and benefits of sketchbooking, how to make it easier for yourself to create art regularly, and a bit about her own creative journey... all while painting.Transcript Disclaimer: This transcript was created by a machine and...
Reflecting on Collaboration
Collaboration#gmseasonofcollaborationFor the Collaboration Wrap Up, Char and Claudette invited a few Messians to share their experience this season, what projects they...
Q+A and Ideas for Collaboration
Collaboration#gmseasonofcollaborationThis is a replay of the Collaboration Kick Off Hangout. C +C answered questions about their collaborations and experiences, and a bunch...
No Rules. No Perfection. Just Expression with Karen Price
Nope, Caylee didn't become an American for the new year. That smooth, calming radio voice you're listening to is Get Messy Guardian's @ginnistonik. She's interviewing the marvelous Guardians of the Community to bring even more inspir-action and encouragement to your...
Messy Recipes: The Overthinker’s Guide to Making Art
Workshop Replay Messy Recipes: The Overthinker's Guide to Making ArtThe workshop is for the perfectionist who chooses mess instead. It’s the perfect, practical antidote to overthinking. I’m a recovering perfectionist myself. Embracing the mess is a...
Replay: Season of Courage Hangout
CourageThis is a replay from the special hangout hosted by Char + Claudette just for the Season of Courage.
Bonus: Collaboration for Art and Heart
Collaboration#gmseasonofcollaborationFor the Season of Collaboration, Claudette Hasenjager and Char DeRouin led the way to nurture a safe space for artists to find their...
Inspired Artist Interview with Caylee Grey
This video originally appeared in Misty Olsen's Inspired Artist's series. In this series, Misty interviews artists to instill confidence and clarity in your creative practice.
Connecting with Yourself with Elaine Kiziah
Soulful approaches to creating a beautiful life through journaling with Elaine Kiziah.
Connection, Structure, and Silliness with Sandra Busby and Tara Roskell
A discussion about the power of challenges for your creative life with the ladies from Kick in the Creatives.
Finding joy and flow in your creativity with Hannah
Hannah Fitzgibbon on being a curator of ideas and following your curiosity.
How to get your vision from the journal to the canvas
How to get your vision from your journal to the canvas without making dull, flat paintings.
Remember Who You Are in a World that Expects Perfection
Worthiness#gmseasonofworthinessShay is so full of wisdom and kindness, and she encourages that you create the same within yourself too. After hearing a testimonial about her...
Self-Compassion, Self-Love, and Self-Worthiness
Worthiness#gmseasonofworthinessTo prepare your heart for the new Get Messy class called Unfold - The Art of Meditative Journaling, I interviewed (my) life coach, Kelli...
Expanded Spine Art Journal
The incredible Diana was so inspired by Claudette's journal in the Courageous Adventures in Art Journaling class that she played around, figured things out by pausing a video, and made a similar journal. And then another and another. And then we're...
The Art of Writing
Misty is someone who is comfortable in the messy middle in her art and her writing. She has really good insights into how to talk to yourself in the messy middle.
This conversation is going to feed your soul.
We talk about process, the book she’s writing, why she’s writing, her struggles, how she overcomes them, how she adapts everything to be what she needs it to be in order to maintain the fun.
In the end, it’s all about the fun.
How to Connect with Your Intuition
Rachael Helmore is a collage and drawing performance artist. The video is taken from an exhibition and performance.
When creating art while others watch, you really need to be connected to yourself. I asked Rachael to share how she’s able to connect with her intuition, even as other people watch.
Jumping with Caylee Grey and Nathalie Kalbach
In this video, Caylee and the CJS21 host, Nathalie Kalbach, chat about stories and art.
Take Time to Freaking Make with Anna Baer
Why is it so difficult to just. make. art? We know how much we love it and how it feeds our soul. We know it makes us better in a multitude of ways, but sometimes even the thing we love the most can feel like a massive effort. I talk to Anna Baer, aka Olive Green Anna, about this. We talk about her mad skills – in creating art, in getting others to make art, and in pep talking directly to the heart.
Four Seasons Collage
Collage through the seasons with Frane Crane.
Zine Hangout
Zine Hangout Replay Hosted by Wendy Solganik @willa.wanders and Debbie Bamberger @debbiebamberger. This is a monthly Zoom hangout that is open to all Get Messy members.Dr. Debbie Bamberger is a nurse practitioner in Berkeley, California, providing sexual and...