Art Journal Catalysts

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Guided artist dates, unedited interviews, and live webinars

How to Photograph Your Journal

How to Photograph Your Journal

Hello, lovely Messians! Sasha (@sasha_zeen) here! Many of you might know me as a fellow Messian and the Get Messy Instagram Community Manager. I am so excited to be here to share a quick photo tutorial with you. Whether you are only starting out your creative or...

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Photographing and videoing your art journal for teaching

Photographing and videoing your art journal for teaching

We asked Jules for the way she photographs and videos her art journals as an artist and art teacher. She's sharing all of this goodness for you... enjoy! NB: I use my Samsung S7 for all photographs and video Photos Step 1 = create art on desk, this is usually a messy...

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Learn to Love Your Sketchbook and Create Consistently

Learn to Love Your Sketchbook and Create Consistently

Minnie Small shares the joys and benefits of sketchbooking, how to make it easier for yourself to create art regularly, and a bit about her own creative journey... all while painting.Transcript Disclaimer: This transcript was created by a machine and...

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How to Connect with Your Intuition

How to Connect with Your Intuition

Rachael Helmore is a collage and drawing performance artist. The video is taken from an exhibition and performance.

When creating art while others watch, you really need to be connected to yourself. I asked Rachael to share how she’s able to connect with her intuition, even as other people watch.

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