As I am sure you know by now, Julia and Vanessa decided to collaborate on the Brave zine that we were making for the second week of the prompts. This is how they went about it. Each...
Art Journal Catalysts
How to staple large zines
This is one of those ‘a-HA’ moments. I could never figure out how to staple together pieces of paper that were too big for my stapler to reach. I saw this on the net somewhere a few...
The Recovering Perfectionist’s Guide to Making Art
Download Save this mini workbook to your computer, print it out, and let it accompany you on your artistic journey this season. Your guide Caylee Grey Hyperbolic journaler and imperfect artist, Caylee Grey is also a wife and mother from South Africa. Caylee is the...
06 My Story
Your handwriting. The way you walk. Which china pattern you choose. It’s all giving you away. Everything you do shows your hand. Everything is a self-portrait. A diary. Your whole drug history’s in a strand of your hair. Your fingernails. The forensic details. The...
Vanessa – Feminist, Anarchist Zines
Zine-making is historically a mode of expression used by marginalized groups. Zines are inherently underground, queer, feminist, anarchist, punk, and rebellious. They were photocopied works of...
Sarah – Art Journal Zines
Make a Zine inspired by pages in your art journal and create a tip-in pocket to store it. Do you have a spread (or more!) in your art journal that you just love? Why not create a zine inspired...
05 My Worth
Set yourself up for heart-led creating. Smell the flowers. Pick a few. Close your eyes in the sun. Take the murdered flowers to your workspace. Feel the earth at your feet. Notice the details. Breathe in. Make a cup of tea. You're ready. What does my mind...
Self#gmseasonofselfDownload the Season of Self: Soul Sidekick Save this file to your computer, print it out, and keep it inside your journal to spark journal ideas.For each lesson...
Self#gmseasonofselfDownload the Season of Self: Body Sidekick Save this file to your computer, print it out, and keep it inside your journal to spark journal ideas.For each lesson...
04 My Truth
At the core of who you are is your truth. We often need to remind ourselves of this truth. The world likes to try to get us to forget. Journaling.Meditating.Heartstorming.Creating. All of these are great ways to remind us of our truth. For MIND, meditate on the...
Dear Self: A Framework for Worthiness
Worthiness#gmseasonofworthinessThis season's artwork is created by @valloves2create Dear Messy Artist You are worthy. Not because you have done anything, but simply because...
All of Self
Self#gmseasonofselfWe as human beings are complex. By focusing on the details of ourselves, we are able to fully appreciate and celebrate them. Process Step One: Digitise your...
Self #gmseasonofself Download the Season of Self: Mind Sidekick Save this file to your computer, print it out, and keep it inside your journal to spark journal ideas. For each...
Erin – Mundane Zines
Every moment offers an invitation to stop and notice what is happening around you and within you. We’re all way too busy to notice everything, all the time (also, that would be overwhelming!)...
Carolyn – 60 Minute Zines
Make a zine from start to finish in less than 60 minutes! You’ll go through 6 steps using a variety of art supplies and techniques that you can make your own. Add words, quotes or phrases to...
Steph – Affirmation Zines
We will create and cut out flowers, letter affirmations, and decorate our zine using what you have on hand. There are step by step directions on how to draw flowing flowers, cut them out, and...
Caylee – Reverse Zines
A reverse zine is a zine that starts as a sheet and becomes a mini journal, rather than the other way around. It uses the magical power of cropping to make your art look absolutely gorgeous no...
How to make a zine
Here's a 60 second reference for making your own one-page zine. DownloadDownload the worksheets for this lesson.Want the steps one-by-one without having to pause? Here you go: Start with a...
Day 28 Self
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Create a 1 page zine with the theme of your current self. My best advice for...
How to make a zine
A zine is a handmade magazine or mini-comic about anything you can imagine: favorite bands, personal stories, subcultures, or collections. They contain diary entries, rants, interviews, and stories. They can be by one person or many, found in stores, traded at comic conventions, exchanged with friends, or given away for free.
Go Forth & Make Zines
Our final lesson for Ama-ZINE is full. on. inspir-action. I have a host of incredible zines to show you in order to spark a few ideas, and introduce you to a few new favorite artists. Take...
Welcome to Ama-ZINE
Ama-Zine is the modern zine making class. What’s a zine? It’s a handmade magazine or mini-comic about anything you can imagine. They contain diary entries, rants, interviews, and stories. They...
Ease + Joy Suggested Journal
Ease + Joy#gmseasonofease#gmseasonofjoyThis season, the suggested journal is a ZINE. Need some inspiration? Here ya go!If you'd like to dig into zines, Ama-ZINE will be released for...