Hi there everyone, Tanyalee here with a bit of a fun tutorial post. Today I am going to teach you to make an origami fortune teller/chatterbox that I have designed with art journaling...
Art Journal Catalysts
Art journal your spirit animal
Art 101 Hi guys, it’s Riet here. Today I want to show you my Raven Nest Journal. It’s about my spirit animal that I discovered last year. I dedicated a whole journal...
Creating a Seasonal Mood Board
We all have favorite seasonal activities and traditions. By using old calendar pages, and creating a mood board, we are celebrating these unique parts of the current and upcoming seasons.
Self-love: How to create an origami love letter to yourself
Kindness Hi, it’s Moriah and I am so excited to share my tutorial with you today! For the season of kindness I wanted to find a way to express self love. Being kind to myself is...
Knitted with love: Using yarn to create pattern and texture
When I was thinking about the theme of kindness, I thought about how much love and care gets poured into making things by hand for the people we love – baking a cake, sewing a dress, knitting a sweater. The end result is a form of kindness that you can feel, that has been brought to life through the process of making something by hand.
Creating Everyday with Artist Trading Cards
Habit This lesson will take you through a week long creative habit that I like to do in my own art practice. For 6 days, we will set ourselves up to create an artist trading card...
Scar Tissue: creating collaged hands of forgiveness
Kindness Hey everyone. Tiffany here with my very first post on the Get Messy blog as a Creative Team member! I'm so excited to begin sharing with you all different ways to...
Using thread and vintage elements to connect to the past
Connections Hello Messians, Vanessa here for the first tutorial of the Season of Connections. I don't know about you, but for me the idea of connection is definitely related...
Including interactive elements in your art journal pages
Fairy Tales Hey messy artists! It’s Riet here, talking about my favorite art journal theme! Eek! If you know me you know every time is fairy tale time for me! This season is...
Creating colourful paper scraps for collage
For Valentine’s Day I made these colorful stitched papers which I used in my art journal for the Get Messy prompts and also for cards. I thought I’d share a quick tutorial on how I made...
Layering vellum and transparencies to produce soft layers
Fairy Tales Hello all, Vanessa here, a little later in the Season this time around! Riet's post last week gave us all so many ideas for creating interactive pages and my...
Creating burned and stitched art journal pages
Hello all and welcome to the Season of Music! It's Vanessa and I'm going to show you how to add some stitching to your pages...but maybe not in the usual way. Stitching can be decorative...
Make your own notebook using pamphlet stitch
Hello, Get Messians! It’s Vanessa here to help you kick off this Season of Messy Lists. I am definitely a Lister and I love making notebooks to house them in. I’ve met a lot of people...
Movable Idea Catchers by Kiala Givehand
IdeasYour challenge, should you choose to accept it: Create an interactive way to explore and discover the ideas that live inside you. Part 1Bonus Save this file to your computer, print it out, and...
Feelings from Music by Anouk Karssen
VulnerabilityYour challenge, should you choose to accept it: While you listen to a song that moves you, that reminds you of a happy memory or simply inspires you. Take a moment to feel what...
06 – Into the Woods
This lesson will further explore collaged landscapes. We will build on this collage process by creating a forest landscape and adding a figure and a guide animal to explore that...
06 My Story
Your handwriting. The way you walk. Which china pattern you choose. It’s all giving you away. Everything you do shows your hand. Everything is a self-portrait. A diary. Your whole drug history’s in a strand of your hair. Your fingernails. The forensic details. The...
Week 3 – Twigs + gelli plate + thread
CourageThis season we are collaborating with a partner, or being our own cheerleader. Download the Season Sidekick for a list of prompts to work from. Char and Claudette are choosing three items...
Pocket Goodies
Add a pocket to hold tags or other created goodies in any art journal.
07 – It’s a Matter of Perspective
The integrating self grows in confidence and is open to other perspectives. As the new integrated self builds its new habits, it makes choices based on its core values. It acknowledges...
06 – The Integration
The self is ready to bear the discomfort that might come from realigning with its own truth and re-integrating with its core self - its inner child. The self has finally committed to...
05 – The Leap of Faith
Despite its fears and doubts, the self takes the leap of faith! Doubt and uncertainty feel overwhelming to the self. It weighs the pros and cons over and over again. Fear paralyzes any...
04 – The Tower Moment
The self feels torn between its obligations and disappearing dreams, desires and worth. The self feels obligated to abandon itself in order to meet the societal expectations. It doubts...
03 – The Fragmentation
The society’s need for conformity widens the gap between the inner child and the growing self. The growing self continues to internalize the beliefs and paradigms that it learns every...
02 – The Journey
The inner child’s life journey begins to tear it away from its own truths. As the inner child begins its life’s journey, it leaves its core and is programmed to adapt to the requirements...
04 – Stitch a Meadow
In this lesson, we begin working in our journals by creating a collaged meadow landscape and adding stitched flowers. I’ll take you through my collage process and how I would build...
Found Nature Objects by Arlyna So
SlowYour challenge, should you choose to accept it: Incorporate what you can find outside, in nature, and bring them inside into your journal. Part 1Part 2 Action Steps Bring your imperfect, messy...
Wild Abandon
Moments#gmseasonofmomentsYour challenge, should you choose to accept it: Create with wild abandon. Let go of perfection and expectations and gather things that you love. Art...
Form is a three-dimensional object with volume of height, width and depth. These objects include cubes, spheres and cylinders. Form is often used when referring to physical works of art, like sculptures, as form is connected most closely with those three-dimensional...
01 – The Inner Child
It is time to give the silenced inner child a voice to speak with us again. In my understanding, the inner child is the feeling, intuitive and sensitive part of each one of us - the part...
07 – Sketching with Thread
This lesson will take you through a simple collaged landscape using painted deli papers as the collage material. On top of this simple and colourful base, we will addd stitched lines...
05 – A Stitched Specimen
This lesson will explore some of the inhabitants of our landscapes. Personally, I find butterflies to be such a source of inspiration and the perfect partner for our stitched meadows...
Lovingly Stitched by Alyssa Griese
HeartYour challenge, should you choose to accept it: Stitch a love note or kind word to yourself or to someone you love. Action Steps Bring your imperfect, messy self, take what you need, and know...