Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:ser*en*dip*i*ty: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or...
Art Journal Catalysts
Day 12 Renewal
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Take some time to reflect on your resolutions for 2023. Are you where you wanted...
Day 11 Notice
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May: Take a look around you and gather bits and scraps that light you up. Grab some...
Day 10 Time
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May: There’s often a barrier in our minds that say we need to have lots of time to...
Day 09 Layers
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May: Gather at least four pieces of ephemera that inspire you and get started on an...
Day 08 Alchemy
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May: Let’s transform a few basic office supplies into a beautiful expression of the...
Day 06 Patchwork
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Combining colours, emotions, and assorted aspects of our lives in our journals is...
Day 05 Elevate
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Elevate your page from okay to fabulous - simply by using paint, tissue paper and...
Day 04 Joy
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:What do you do when you are in a journaling rut? Do you ever find yourself...
Day 03 Brain Dump
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May: See HOW a brain dump can be used to create ease, BEFORE you get to the page....
Twenty Prompts to Journal Print out these prompts I made for you. Add it to your journal and use it when you're looking for an idea or prompt for documenting your days.
Pleasure + Liberation Prompts
Pleasure + Liberation#gmseasonofpleasure #gmseasonofliberationHave you heard of Microdosing Pleasure? Many of us think/feel that making time for pleasure in our lives...
30 Journal Ideas
Ideas Write your favourite quote ever. Your favourite song lyrics. A sentence from the last book you read. What do you need today? What does life look like right now? What are some of your best...
30 Art Ideas
Ideas Do your go-to technique. Try out a brand new technique.Use your most recently purchased supplies. Use your oldest supplies. Use only one medium. Use as many mediums as you can. Use your...
Day 09 Spark
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Begin to play with a handful of your favorite or forgotten supplies on separate...
Day 08 Mess
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:MESS: Embrace the big beautiful messiness of life! Take old journal or diary pages...
Day 06 Freedom
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Give yourself the freedom to create the NON-perfect handwriting by writing the...
Day 05 Courage
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:What does COURAGE mean to you? Create an art journal spread with your take on...
Day 04 Adventure
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Get outside to gather bits and pieces of nature and create a unique fabric using...
Day 07 Cultivation
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Cultivate your creative voice through experimentation. Create a grid, use limited...
Day 02 Showing up
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Show up in your journal today, in the easiest way possible. Use a bullet point...
Spark Prompts + Sidekick
Spark#gmseasonofsparkDownload the season sidekick Save this PDF to your computer, print it out, and let it accompany you on your artistic journey this season. This PDF is curvy in...
Steven Prompts + Sidekick
Steven#gmseasonofstevenDownload the season sidekick Save this PDF to your computer, print it out, and let it accompany you on your artistic journey this season. This PDF is curvy...
Finishing Prompts + Sidekick
Finishing#gmseasonoffinishingDownload the season sidekick Save this PDF to your computer, print it out, and let it accompany you on your artistic journey this season. This PDF...
Focus Prompts + Sidekick
Focus#gmseasonoffocusDownload the season sidekick Save this PDF to your computer, print it out, and let it accompany you on your artistic journey this season. This PDF is curvy in...
Release + Return Prompts
Release + Return#gmseasonofrelease#gmseasonofreturnWe have had an amazing year of artmaking together. For some of us, our expectations of ourselves may have mutated into an...
Ease + Joy Prompts
Ease + Joy#gmseasonofease#gmseasonofjoyWhat would be the easiest way to bring back joy in your daily life? What does ease mean to you? When do you allow yourself to feel these...
Whimsy + Curiosity Prompts
Whimsy + Curiosity#gmseasonofwhimsy #gmseasonofcuriosityOne way we can bring more curiosity into our lives is by fostering whimsy and following it, to see where it leads....
Collaboration Prompts + Sidekick
Collaboration#gmseasonofcollaborationDownload the season sidekick Save this PDF to your computer, print it out, and let it accompany you on your artistic journey this...