Hello, lovely Messians! Sasha (@sasha_zeen) here! Many of you might know me as a fellow Messian and the Get Messy Instagram Community Manager. I am so excited to be here to share a quick photo tutorial with you. Whether you are only starting out your creative or...
Art Journal Catalysts
Spreading kindness: Using our art journals to leave kind words for others
Kindness Hello artists, Alicia here to share with you a special tutorial that is near and dear to me! When I lived in New York City, it became a habit of mine to take in all the...
Make your own printables for journaling
Fairy Tales Hey y'all, Katie here! I'm having so much fun with this Season of Fairytales. I'm actually a huge science fiction nerd, but fantasy is my my second favorite genre...
Create an Inspiring Instagram Feed to Fuel those Creative Juices
Hi lovelies! It's Torrie again, and today I'm here to share how I use Instagram as inspiration for my art journaling pages.When I create my art journal pages I am constantly searching...
Creating Collages in Photoshop
Hello, Get Messians! It’s Julia here for a digital collage tutorial. I shared a collage that I had created in photoshop a few weeks ago and had some comments asking how I had achieved...
Find time to art journal by keeping a digital idea notebook
Habit Caylee Grey Get Messy is led by Caylee Grey, your fairy artmother, who with a swish and flick of her magic paintbrush empowers humans to live a creative life. She knows a...
Photographing and videoing your art journal for teaching
We asked Jules for the way she photographs and videos her art journals as an artist and art teacher. She's sharing all of this goodness for you... enjoy! NB: I use my Samsung S7 for all photographs and video Photos Step 1 = create art on desk, this is usually a messy...
How to photograph your art journal for sharing
One of the biggest questions we receive that's not journaling related is how to take photos of the art journals for sharing on Instagram. The creative team is here sharing their secrets for success... Katie I use different programs for editing different things. On my...
How to create a map self portrait
This tutorial correlates with this week's prompts. Here are some pointers to help you with the visual aspects of those prompts. To make sure a lot of your map is visible in your...
Utilizing Hangouts and the Community in Building a Creative Habit
Habit During this hangout, Jess led us through sharing ideas on creating habits with art journaling through the use and support of the incredible Get Messy community....
Vanessa – Feminist, Anarchist Zines
Zine-making is historically a mode of expression used by marginalized groups. Zines are inherently underground, queer, feminist, anarchist, punk, and rebellious. They were photocopied works of...
Self#gmseasonofselfDownload the Season of Self: Soul Sidekick Save this file to your computer, print it out, and keep it inside your journal to spark journal ideas.For each lesson...
Self#gmseasonofselfDownload the Season of Self: Body Sidekick Save this file to your computer, print it out, and keep it inside your journal to spark journal ideas.For each lesson...
Bonus Before We Say Goodbye…
A little bonus before we say goodbye, we will take a little time to flip through some of my puzzle pieced journals, taking more time with what fills the pages. I’ve also included a few files...
Learn to Love Your Sketchbook and Create Consistently
Minnie Small shares the joys and benefits of sketchbooking, how to make it easier for yourself to create art regularly, and a bit about her own creative journey... all while painting.Transcript Disclaimer: This transcript was created by a machine and...
All of Self
Self#gmseasonofselfWe as human beings are complex. By focusing on the details of ourselves, we are able to fully appreciate and celebrate them. Process Step One: Digitise your...