Hi there everyone, Tanyalee here with a bit of a fun tutorial post. Today I am going to teach you to make an origami fortune teller/chatterbox that I have designed with art journaling...
Art Journal Catalysts
How to Photograph Your Journal
Hello, lovely Messians! Sasha (@sasha_zeen) here! Many of you might know me as a fellow Messian and the Get Messy Instagram Community Manager. I am so excited to be here to share a quick photo tutorial with you. Whether you are only starting out your creative or...
Spreading kindness: Using our art journals to leave kind words for others
Kindness Hello artists, Alicia here to share with you a special tutorial that is near and dear to me! When I lived in New York City, it became a habit of mine to take in all the...
Reflections + Intentions 2019/2020
This annual Get Messy tradition has two exciting guests join in…
Quieten the Itty-Bitty-Shitty Committee
Holly guides you through mindful art practice to go from unkind self words to positive affirmations.
Non creative books that help your art
We all love to read about creativity, fill our homes with beautiful giant books with art photos, patterns, and photography in them. These books are as beautiful as they are educational. But living a creative life as an artist begs for more depth and inner exploration,...
Find Your Style
We have a hack for finding your style and it doesn’t involve selling a kidney, so that’s a bonus.
Failure and imperfection
A pep talk by Tiffany on rejection, failure, and fighting imperfection.
How I learned to stop worrying & love calling myself an Artist
Are you an outsider? Do you stand at the edge of an interesting, complex, and wondrous community, desperate for a way in? Do you have a dream job title that you want emphatically to be able to print on your business card? Me, too. And as it turns out, it was true for...
The Life-Altering Wizardry That is Morning Work
Hey Get Messians, it’s Cait! This is my last inspiration post! I am going to miss doing these posts BUT I am beyond excited to read everything the new Creative Team comes up with! So, I...
121 Hours: How to build an art habit
Habit 20 minutes a day will build an art habit. Start today!Supplies paper paint glue magazines gelli plate scissors tape sewing supplies friends to cheer you on and for whom you...
Reflections + Intentions 2018/2019
We’re talking creative reflection and intentions. Looking back at what you’ve made, and how to make great art goals.
Tips for Newbies
Make the Most of Get MessyIf I had to choose only one thing to tell a newbie to Get Messy, it would be this: Get Messy is the most warm and welcoming online community I have ever come across. When I joined just a few weeks ago, everyone was so welcoming and...
How to find your own mini community
Not convinced that you need a community? Read why community is powerful. Hi, Messians! It’s Misty and I’m here to help you find ways to connect in the Get Messy community. If you are a New Member, let this serve as a primer for you as you find ways to join the flow....
Finding Inspiration in the Process
Colour The best part of personal artistic pursuits is fully enjoying the process. When I work in my journal, I’m not only enjoying the artwork, but the feeling in my workspace,...
The 5 Paths of Journaling
Reflection Journaling takes us travelling through wide-ranging landscapes and across wild terrain. This adventure is like a guided tour down five paths leading toward...
Create a Life Mind Map
Reflection Life Mind Maps are a fantastic way to reduce anxiety. They give a bird’s eye view of your life and helps you be objective. When you know exactly what pieces build...
Get started becoming a Get Messian with Messy Orientation! Messy Orientation will show you how to get the most out of the Get Messy website, connect with your art tribe, and build and maintain your creative practice. Learn all the ways Get Messy can get you making right away with Get Messy Seasons and website resources such as the Choose Your Own Adventure Library. Then see how the Get Messy forums can help you connect and collaborate with other members and make new art friends. Finally, learn about setting art goals and creating art making habits that get you making daily or as often as you need. Messy Orientation is your resource for all things Get Messy.
Messy Spaces
The love of art supplies and art spaces seems to come with the territory of art journaling. I started my art journaling journey with one art journal,a couple of pens and my children's...
How to set your Intentions for the Season
Hi Get Messians, Emily here with some ideas for you to get the most out of your Get Messy membership each season. I know the feeling of eagerly awaiting the prompts to be up on the blog...
The Power of Community
Hey Messians. Misty here. I talked about community a little bit on my blog back in January and about how I missed the community I had in my college art classes. This article functions as a sort of Part Two to the story of how I've found community in Get Messy. Fair...
How to tackle the prompts
Hi friends! We have heard you asking over and over again about HOW TO START? Which prompt to choose? What do I do first? Do I mix and match? We thought we would try to give you some tips....
1.1 Tools You ♥
why it’s important to keep your tool kit small
how to build an art journal kit that you absolutely love
what my ultimate tool kit is
Getting Messy with little ones
We were so excited when Jen reached out to us and wanted to share her experience in getting her little one involved in her art journal. So we asked her to share some tips and different...
02 – Vision Boards
This lesson takes you through my process of creating a vision board centring around the theme of environments that inspire me. In this process, I take the time to go through and...
Art as a Must Do Rather than a Nice to Do with Gilly Welch
In this Messy Conversations episode, Jenna chats with Gilly about her creative process and thinking around art journaling. They discuss how art journaling encormpasses everything and how you make it what you want it to be.
Gilly shares how she’s able to be creative every single day due to the freedom given – no boundaries, and no rules. We are all busy but when we put small bits together with pockets of time, it starts to make a huge difference.
Reflecting on Collaboration
Collaboration#gmseasonofcollaborationFor the Collaboration Wrap Up, Char and Claudette invited a few Messians to share their experience this season, what projects they...
Q+A and Ideas for Collaboration
Collaboration#gmseasonofcollaborationThis is a replay of the Collaboration Kick Off Hangout. C +C answered questions about their collaborations and experiences, and a bunch...
03 Creation
To prepare for the creating in the next three lessons, connect with what each of the three areas mean to you. Create a mood board, curate a kit of supplies that soothe you, and bring you back towards yourself. Grab a slice of cake...Download the mood board templates...
Inspired Artist Interview with Caylee Grey
This video originally appeared in Misty Olsen's Inspired Artist's series. In this series, Misty interviews artists to instill confidence and clarity in your creative practice.
Stop. Collaborate. And Listen…
Collaboration#gmseasonofcollaborationGrab your supplies and create as you listen to Char and Claudette talk about everything that goes into a successful collaboration. Then...
How to embrace a new season in your art
Every month at Get Messy, we start a new season. Get Messy Seasons are a focused exploration of creating according to a theme. Filled with tutorials, prompts, and catalysts for you to learn and love. In the same way that we go through seasons of our life, we also go...
Continue Exploring
This class has given you tools for your arsenal in the journey that is your Unfolding. Now, it is up to you to continue exploring, connecting, and deepening.Resources to continue meditating and support your practice: Meditation Apps Calm Headspace Insight Timer 10%...
Self-Compassion, Self-Love, and Self-Worthiness
Worthiness#gmseasonofworthinessTo prepare your heart for the new Get Messy class called Unfold - The Art of Meditative Journaling, I interviewed (my) life coach, Kelli...
The best books for art journalers
Books are awesome. I am a massive book nerd. My interior design style is “books and plants”. My love for books is part of the reason I love art journaling – I get to create my own library of art. I get to fill my bookshelves with the tangible containers of my own...
Your WHY
Your Why is the MOST important part of your Get Messy journey and one that you will come back to again and again.
The Library – Find Your Creative Catalyst
At Get Messy, be kind to yourself. Cheer others on. Create with abandon. Dance naked in perfectionism’s face. Get Messy is the catalyst, but ultimately, your Messy experience is what you make of it.
In this lesson, we’ll chat about the different areas of the best art journaling resource on the internet.
The Community – Connect With Your Creative Family
Get Messy is a safe space. You can be yourself here, you can be vulnerable, and we’ll meet you with a whole bunch of love and excitement. Welcome to your creative home…
Harnessing GM to Make Art
Get Messy is the catalyst but ultimately it’s up to you to take that and turn it into art. I wish we could move your hand around the page to get you making, but that’ll miss out on all the fun you’ll experience.
We’ve collated some of the best bits about being a Messian into 21 micro challenges.
FAQ + Where to Find Help
It’s the last lesson of your Get Messy Orientation. After this, you’ll be a fully-fledged Messian.
Whimsy + Curiosity Artist Date
Whimsy + Curiosity#gmseasonofwhimsy #gmseasonofcuriosityThis season, the suggested artist date is a museum date. Artist dates fire up the imagination. They spark whimsy....
Art Books
ResourceArt BooksThe Best Books for Art JournalersBooks are awesome I am a massive book nerd. My interior design style is “books and plants”. My love for books is part of the reason I love art journaling - I get to create my own library of art. I get to fill my...
Journaling Books
ResourceJournaling Books21 books on written journalingJackee Holder The Science and Wisdom of Writing and journalingIra Progoff The basic text and guide for using the Intensive Journal processStephanie Dowrick The Art and Heart of ReflectionLucia Capacchione The Art...
Welcome to the Mess
Right now, happy Messians from across the globe are sending you virtual hugs / handshakes / cupcakes and kudos for joining the arty family devoted to guiding you in rising and growing as the unbelievable artist you are.