Riet Poch

Riet lives with her husband near the coast in North Germany where she enjoys capturing her memories and feelings in journals and albums. If she isn’t covered in paint and glue she writes stories or photographs the nature outside her door. She started writing her feelings down when she was a child and as a teenager she discovered scrapbooking which helped me to capture memories and combine them with my words. Over the years she began to include more paint and own ideas to my layouts. That reminded her of my dream to make art but she felt like she was not good enough and so never dared to go for it.

Catalysts by Riet Poch
Creating a mixed media self portrait

Creating a mixed media self portrait

Connections "A portrait affirms; it gives the gift of self to its subject. It says, 'Yes, you are worth spending this time over, your story deserves to be told, you should...

How to paint intuitively

How to paint intuitively

Contrast "The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.” – Elizabeth GilbertHello my favorite artists! It’s Riet here...

Art journal your spirit animal

Art journal your spirit animal

Art 101 Hi guys, it’s Riet here. Today I want to show you my Raven Nest Journal. It’s about my spirit animal that I discovered last year. I dedicated a whole journal...

Creating both tactile and visual textures

Creating both tactile and visual textures

Art 101 Hi lovely artists! It’s Riet here from the Creative Team and today is all about textures. You know exactly what I’m talking about, right? Those wonderful...

2.3 Riet Poch – Depth in Backgrounds

2.3 Riet Poch – Depth in Backgrounds

In a minimalistic page you can’t have a busy background, a lot of writing and a lot of other elements. That doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to use more than one color or element, but before you start decide what your focus will be. The focus in this lesson will be on the background. With simple techniques we’ll create detailed bases for our message.

Paper marbling with Ink

Paper marbling with Ink

Colour Hi guys! It's Riet here and I'm so excited to show you a very easy technique to marble paper! I love marbling so much that I always look for easy ways to achieve it! Until...