Moriah Costa

Moriah is an American transplant living in Madrid, Spain. Her favourite part of art journaling is being able to experiment with different techniques and styles and not having to care about making mistakes or if it doesn’t look good. The worst part of art journaling for her is having a great idea when she’s at work and having to wait until she gets home to start creating.

Catalysts by Moriah Costa
Ep 016: You just have to trust in your creative intuition

Ep 016: You just have to trust in your creative intuition

Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...

Scavenger Hunt: Get inspired by your neighborhood

Scavenger Hunt: Get inspired by your neighborhood

Today I invite you to explore your neighborhood or maybe even a new city as a child would, curious about everything and wanting to find all the answers! Use the scavenger hunt guide to collect inspiration for your art journal and let your inner child play.

The Freedom to Get Inspired From Art History

The Freedom to Get Inspired From Art History

Freedom Hi, it’s Moriah here and this is sadly my last tutorial for you all as a member of the Get Messy creative team. It’s been such a joy to serve on the team this year and I...

How Moriah Costa uses art journaling to express herself

How Moriah Costa uses art journaling to express herself

Artist SpotlightMoriah is an American transplant living in Madrid, Spain. Her favourite part of art journaling is being able to experiment with different techniques and styles and not having to care about making mistakes or if it doesn’t look good....