Katerina Milk

Katerina is a mixed media artist living on the pacific northwest of Canada. She prefers a sketchbook to a canvas and creates art with themes about relationships and mental health.

Catalysts by Katerina Milk
Time Capsule

Time Capsule

Spark#gmseasonofsparkLet’s go back in time! This gave me a great excuse to look through my old art journals and reference photos and match them up.  I’ve realized that sometimes I...

Painting a ‘scene’ in your art journal

Painting a ‘scene’ in your art journal

Spark#gmseasonofsparkOk so let’s get started! The goal is to create a ‘scene’ or a full painting spanning 2 pages or a spread in your art journal. Use whatever paint you like best....

Meet Katerina

Meet Katerina

Spark#gmseasonofsparkMy name is Kay or Katerina or just Milk, which comes from my instagram handle: MercurialMilk! I discovered Art Journaling in 2015 after reading an interview...