Nature Hey friends. For todays post I wanted to show you something that I absolutely love doing in my journal. And that is, making playlists or working with lyrics of songs that...

Lina @agirlwithajournal
Lina is a dreamy nineteen year old girl from Germany. She has loved journaling since she was little. Her favourite things to use are watercolours and ink sprays and she also believes in the power of words and writing. It’s important to her and has quite a big place in her colourful heart.
Catalysts by Lina @agirlwithajournal
How Lina (aka A girl with a journal) uses art to express herself
Artist SpotlightLina is a dreamy nineteen year old girl from Germany. She has loved journaling since she was little. Her favourite things to use are watercolours and ink sprays and she also believes in the power of words and writing. It’s important to...
Three watercolour background techniques
Nature Hi friends. In this tutorial, I will show you three of my favourite watercolour background techniques that I do over and over in my journals. LINA Lina is a dreamy nineteen...