Let’s use unusual drawing and painting tools, like the sticks and twigs we picked up outside, to draw with ink and make interesting marks on loose paper. Use your twigs to experiment with...

Helen Wells
Helen is the author of the book ‘Expressive sketchbooks: developing creative skills, courage and confidence’ published by Quarry Books and the creator of an online class about developing your own Expressive Sketchbook.
She is passionate about sketchbooks and art journals as a powerful tool for creative discovery and development. Her own sketchbook use is the cornerstone of her artistic career and practice. She became a professional artist later in life and credits using sketchbooks for this career pivot.
04 – Drawing Leaves
Let’s use repetition and re-creation in our art practice as a way to lower pressure, explore, and develop an idea. In this session, we will be drawing from observation using a fallen leaf or...
03 – Drawing with Scissors
Firstly, we will prepare our sketchbook page with a nice dark background with either ink or paint and let it dry. We'll then look at our photographs for inspiration to create nature-themed...
01 – Seeking Inspiration in Nature
We are going out looking for inspiration in nature. In this lesson we will go out into our nearest patch of nature searching for treasure. We will look closely at leaves, plants, flowers or...
Starting Points
Select one simple starting point from nature and recreate it several times in different ways in your sketchbook.
05 – Wrapping Up Going Wild
This is the last short video in the Going Wild Series. Let's recap our time together and I'll share some pages from my sketchbook that have been inspired by simple walks in nature. I...
Warm Up – Creating beautiful organic shapes with water and ink
Learn how to make striking organic shapes with a simple, fun art technique that uses water and ink.Supplies loose paper (thicker paper works best) a container of water a brush a bottle of...
Welcome to Going Wild
Here's what we will be doing in this glorious nature-inspired class. By the end of this introductory lesson, you’ll have a lot of ideas about finding inspiration from nature - a local park or...