Felicitas Mayer

Felicitas specializes in documenting bits from everyday life through the lens of openness, self-care and gratitude, combined with her passion for all things color and design. She calls her approach to modern-day memory keeping & art making Making Mundane Magic.

Catalysts by Felicitas Mayer
Gather, Spark, Create by Felicitas Mayer

Gather, Spark, Create by Felicitas Mayer

IdeasYour challenge, should you choose to accept it: Use your old paper scraps and other crafty left-overs to find new creative ideas for art journaling. Action Steps create something based on this...

Day 06 Freedom

Day 06 Freedom

Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Give yourself the freedom to create the NON-perfect handwriting by writing the...