This season, a host of incredible artists take you on a creative journey focused on what Get Messy believes is the most important part of being an artist: habit. These artists show you how they fit an art habit into their full, rich lives. Learn creative warm-up exercises to get you started, how to build a 20 minute art break into your schedule, how to keep a digital art idea notebook, and how to utilize the Get Messy hangouts and community towards your art habit. This season shows you exactly how, in very actionable steps, to make a creative habit as second nature as brushing your teeth.

Ella Gallon
Ella’s art journey began in elementary school when she annoyed all of her teachers by excessively doodling on ALL the worksheets. After overcoming awkward phases of gaming fan art, crazy freaky art clubs in high school where it was custom to wear at least three differently colored striped socks, and creative blocks all during university, today she lives a double life as digital marketer from 7 to 7 and abstract artist from 7:01 to however late she manages to stay up (spoiler: mostly, not very late).
Catalysts by Ella Gallon
Reuse the “meh”: Giving art a second life
Habit Art as a habit is great! But creating lots of art also means you'll create some you're not happy with. With these ideas, transform old art into something new & beautiful!...