Connect with your deepest self in your journal, and discover a vantage point on the current crisis that offers meaning and hope.

Elaine Kiziah
Elaine teaches journaling and other soulful approaches to managing time and life. She’s an award-winning trainer, a life coach, and a big-hearted advocate for the meaningful work of listening to your own soul. In January 2020, she launched Joybook — a life learning community offering online courses, journaling prompts, and support related to time management, personal growth, and well-being. Elaine’s motto is, “Life is beautiful. Don’t miss it.”
Connecting with Yourself with Elaine Kiziah
Soulful approaches to creating a beautiful life through journaling with Elaine Kiziah.
Connecting with Yourself with Elaine Kiziah
One of the biggest things that art journalers struggle with in their creative practice is the journaling part of art journaling. It’s weird. I know. A while back, I invited a journaling expert to help the Get Messy community with how to find the words. Elaine Kiziah...