Clare Etheridge
Clare is originally from the north of England and has lived in the mid-west of America since 2003. Her workplace is the local library where she is a part time librarian, which is good because she loves books. Her favourite part of art journaling is the opportunity to create with no pressure and usually no finished idea in mind and the chance to create a sketchbook and fill it up however she wants! The worst part of art journaling for Clare is knowing when to stop!
Use vintage photos and found words to tell a familiar or fictional story in your journal
Let’s explore ways to use vintage photos and papers in your art journal. Make a found word sentence or two to enhance you story, be it autobiographical or fictional.
How to use a gelli plate to create faces
Contrast I love to use the gelli plate to make lovely prints to add to my journal pages, they add colour and pattern as well as images which can be traced and printed using the...
Messy Mandalas
Reflection In this Artist Date, Clare will guide us on how to make a ‘Torus’ mandala base using a compass, along with a freeform method which needs no equipment apart from a...
Paint a Flutter of Ethereal Watercolour Butterflies
Freedom Hi Messians, this is Clare with my final tutorial as a Get Messy creative team member and what an amazing year it has been! It has been so great to be able to work with...
Leaf and flower gelli prints for all seasons
How to use fresh leaves and flowers to create beautiful gelli prints for your journals.
Ep 011: Just start
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
New do! Styling hair in your journal pages.
This tutorial will encourage you to use an altered book and encourage lots of play when you give your ‘model’ a new hair do. You don’t need a ton of supplies to get a really effective page in your art journal.
Make mandala magic
Kindness Hi fabulous messians, this is Clare and I am here to show you two ways to make a mandala. Both are meditative and lovely to draw and create. Let's practice some self...
Art Joy Postcards – Share and Care With a Card
Ubuntu Hi Messians, this is Clare with a super versatile tutorial for the season of Ubuntu. What better way to share some joy with family and friends near and far than by...