Level Up > Level Four4.4 AUTOMATIONLearning Outcomes: Utilise automation tools Automation is this awesome thing where you get a computer to do repetitive tasks that you don’t like doing. It frees up time for creating, but as...

Caylee Grey
Hyperbolic journaler and imperfect artist, Caylee Grey is also a wife and mother from South Africa. Caylee is the Fairy Artmother of the Get Messy art journal community, book, and art supplies brand. She has sworn an oath to embrace the messy middle and believes that more than zero is enough.
4.3 Time Management Techniques
Level Up > Level Four4.3 TIME MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUESLearning Outcomes: Know practical steps to time management Understand the Pomodoro Technique Experiment with Block Scheduling The phrase “I don’t have time for” should never be...
4.2 Eat the Frog
Level Up > Level Four4.2 Eat the frogLearning Outcomes: Define what eating a frog in terms of productivity actually is Establish unprocrastination techniques Define ways to single task Discover the brilliance of MITs “If it’s your...
4.1 The Art of the Start
Level Up > Level Four4.1 The Art of the StartLearning Outcomes: Know the three requirements for getting things done Identify five ways to make it easier to get it done Cite practical ways to start – even when you don’t feel like...
Level Up > Level FourWelcome to Level FourDownload the Workbook for Level FOUR Save this file to your computer, print it out, and scribble all over it.Now that we have gone through the foundations of getting things done, we’re...
3.4 Create a Game Plan
Level Up > Level Three3.4 Create a Game PlanLearning Outcomes: Understand the GTD Workflow Personalise the GTD Workflow This lesson ties up a lot of other lessons in one workflow. It’s got bits of Level Two, Three, and Four all in...
3.3 The Creative Process
Level Up > Level Three3.3 The Creative ProcessLearning Outcomes: Recognise how being organised can uplevel creativity Know that organisation in the creative process works towards both quality and quantity “The first draft of...
3.1 Write a Better To Do List
Level Up > Level Three3.1 Write a Better To Do ListLearning Outcomes: Keep a better to do list Assemble todoist Discover how to create to do list items that encourage getting things done Before we go anywhere, make sure that...
Level Up > Level ThreeWelcome to Level ThreeDownload the Workbook for Level three Save this file to your computer, print it out, and scribble all over it. “Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and...
2.4 Discover Your Goals
Level Up > Level Two2.4 DISCOVER YOUR GOALSLearning Outcomes: Know how to make your goals work for you Discover what is important Choose the right goals “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends...
2.3 Efficient Brainstorming
Level Up > Level Two2.3 Efficient BrainstormingLearning Outcomes: Outline the process of efficient creative brainstorming Now that you have two ways of brainstorming – brain dumps and morning pages, let’s go through the habit of...
2.2 Mornings
Level Up > Level Two2.2 MorningsLearning Outcomes: Explore the magical power of mornings. Explore the magic of morning pages. “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you...
Level Up > Level TwoWelcome to Level TwoDownload the Workbook for Level Two Save this file to your computer, print it out, and scribble all over it.You have a lot on your mind. You have an entire life’s worth – past, present, and...
1.4 Mind Map Your Life
Level Up > Level One1.4 Mind Map Your LifeLearning Outcomes Understand why life mind maps are important and know their benefits Create a mind map of your life Implement the life mind map in applicable places I’m excited about this...
1.3 Know What Works for You
Level Up > Level ONE1.3 Know what works for youLearning Outcomes Know your Tendency Know your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Know what works for you Know what doesn’t work for you This course will equip you with a set of tools...
1.2 Distinguish Darkle
Level Up > Level ONE1.2 Distinguish DarkleLearning Outcomes Understand the main types of darkle Name your fears I’m learning to be brave. I spent a long time not writing because I was worried about not being good enough, but I...
1.1 Let Yourself Sparkle
Level Up > Level One1.1 Let Yourself SparkleLearning Outcomes: Illustrate your story Know what makes you sparkle Allow yourself to sparkle Have you ever thrown a fistful of glitter in the air? Have you ever looked fear in the face...
2.1 Dirt + Diamonds
Level Up > Level Two2.1 Dirt + DiamondsLearning Outcomes: Understand the process for a brain dump Define the process for an incomplete triggers list Define the process for an incomplete projects list Find the diamonds “Your mind...
Level Up > Level OneWelcome to Level OneDownload the Workbook for Level One Save this file to your computer, print it out, and scribble all over it.The course is about this little drawing from Casey Neistat: Looks simple, except...
0. Welcome
Minimalist art journaling is art journaling that strips away the excess, takes away the non-essentials, and focuses on what’s important. The Minimalist Art Journal is all about finding your calm and putting your emotions on a page. Including 16 lessons and 7 guest artists, you will learn to not fear the blank page and embrace it. Get away from the clutter and overload of normal life and focus on what makes this moment, this hour, this day important. No overload of extras and stuff. Just you, a blank page, and the basics. Take time, do less, and create more art where you are with what you have.
In this lesson we will build a supply kits of tools that you LOVE. We will choose simply but impactful supplies that are strong enough to stand on their own without needing the hoards of gadgets that distract from your message and meaning. We will hand bind an elegant, yet understated journal to give you full control of your minimalist art journal
3.2 Your Brain’s External Hard Drive
Level Up > Level Three3.2 Your Brain's External Hard DriveLearning Outcomes: Keep an external hard drive for your brain Assemble your external brain Discover how to create project reference notes that encourage getting things done...
In this lesson we will learn to not only not fear the blank page but to embrace. We will create subtle and quiet backgrounds for our pages through 6 different techniques.
In Lesson 3 we will practice restraint, learn to listen to the natural flow of our pages and practice the art of simple, yet meaningful when it comes to embellishing our pages. This lessons guests artists are Essie Ruth who will teach us to Collage in Monochrome, Tiffany Julia who will help us use Image Transfers quiet down the noise in photographs and Zinia Amoiridou who shows us that Botanicals can also be Minimalist. This lesson includes 20 prompts to help you embellish with caution and meaning.
Lesson 4 will teach you how to express your ideas as simply as possible. We will quiet the mind and the world and translate our ideas to be clear and concise.
Level Up Workbook
Download the Workbook for Level One Save this file to your computer, print it out, and scribble all over it.
Level Up Playlists
I made these for you. Lofi to Concentrate Level Up To Pump You Up White Noise To Help You REALLY Concentrate
Level Up
What if you were the type of person to get things done? Like big, life-changing things? Level Up is the toolkit you need to start getting your creative work done. Packed with 20 lessons presented in a variety of ways to suit your needs, Level Up provides action steps to get you doing, templates and printables to guide you, and a private community to hold you accountable. Learn to fight comparisonitis (comparing your work to others’ and feeling like it doesn’t measure up) and perfectionism, to work through resistance and distractions, and to get doing and keep doing. Level Up is for the person living a creative life – artists, dabblers, crafters, Etsy shop owners, bloggers, creative entrepreneurs, and those who value creativity in whatever form it manifests.
The Recovering Perfectionist’s Guide to Making Art
Download Save this mini workbook to your computer, print it out, and let it accompany you on your artistic journey this season. Your guide Caylee Grey Hyperbolic journaler and imperfect artist, Caylee Grey is also a wife and mother from South Africa. Caylee is the...
06 My Story
Your handwriting. The way you walk. Which china pattern you choose. It’s all giving you away. Everything you do shows your hand. Everything is a self-portrait. A diary. Your whole drug history’s in a strand of your hair. Your fingernails. The forensic details. The...
The Scaredy Cat’s Guide to Color
Download Save this mini workbook to your computer, print it out, and let it accompany you on your artistic journey this season. Your guide Caylee Grey Hyperbolic journaler and imperfect artist, Caylee Grey is also a wife and mother from South Africa. Caylee is the...
60 Minute ZinesReverse ZinesInstructional ZinesMundane ZinesOrigami ZinesArt Journal ZinesAffirmation ZinesFeminist, Anarchist Zines
Texture is used to describe the surface quality of the work, referencing the types of lines the artist created. The surface quality can either be tactile (real) or strictly visual (implied). Tactile surface quality is mainly seen through three-dimensional works, like...
Color is an element consisting of hues, of which there are three properties: hue, chroma or intensity, and value. Color is present when light strikes an object and it is reflected back into the eye, a reaction to a hue arising in the optic nerve. The...
05 My Worth
Set yourself up for heart-led creating. Smell the flowers. Pick a few. Close your eyes in the sun. Take the murdered flowers to your workspace. Feel the earth at your feet. Notice the details. Breathe in. Make a cup of tea. You're ready. What does my mind...
Self#gmseasonofselfDownload the Season of Self: Soul Sidekick Save this file to your computer, print it out, and keep it inside your journal to spark journal ideas.For each lesson...
Self#gmseasonofselfDownload the Season of Self: Body Sidekick Save this file to your computer, print it out, and keep it inside your journal to spark journal ideas.For each lesson...
Form is a three-dimensional object with volume of height, width and depth. These objects include cubes, spheres and cylinders. Form is often used when referring to physical works of art, like sculptures, as form is connected most closely with those three-dimensional...
04 My Truth
At the core of who you are is your truth. We often need to remind ourselves of this truth. The world likes to try to get us to forget. Journaling.Meditating.Heartstorming.Creating. All of these are great ways to remind us of our truth. For MIND, meditate on the...
New#gmseasonofnewYour challenge, should you choose to accept it: Go back to your roots.I went back to my roots by going back to old journals. Here are some more ideas: copy one of...
Dear Self: A Framework for Worthiness
Worthiness#gmseasonofworthinessThis season's artwork is created by @valloves2create Dear Messy Artist You are worthy. Not because you have done anything, but simply because...
All of Self
Self#gmseasonofselfWe as human beings are complex. By focusing on the details of ourselves, we are able to fully appreciate and celebrate them. Process Step One: Digitise your...
Self #gmseasonofself Download the Season of Self: Mind Sidekick Save this file to your computer, print it out, and keep it inside your journal to spark journal ideas. For each...
Recipe 11
#getmessyrecipes black and white image or pattern (e.g. music sheet, old book, handdrawn pattern, if you don't have this, print the ephemera below) tissue paper a favourite photo, printed out in black...
Space refers to the perspective (distance between and around) and proportion (size) between shapes and objects and how their relationship with the foreground or background is perceived. There are different types of spaces an artist can achieve for different effect....
A shape is a two-dimensional design encased by lines to signify its height and width structure, and can have different values of color used within it to make it appear three-dimensional. In animation, shapes are used to give a character a distinct...
Lines are marks moving in a space between two points whereby a viewer can visualize the stroke movement, direction, and intention based on how the line is oriented. Lines describe an outline, capable of producing texture according to their length and...
Welcome to Body of Art
Welcome An invitation into being vulnerable with yourselfWelcome I’m beginning this class with no makeup, no elaborate hair, and no pants. Just kidding. It’s a small gesture of vulnerability in the hopes that you’ll meet me with your own gesture of...
Messy Recipes: The Overthinker’s Guide to Making Art
Workshop Replay Messy Recipes: The Overthinker's Guide to Making ArtThe workshop is for the perfectionist who chooses mess instead. It’s the perfect, practical antidote to overthinking. I’m a recovering perfectionist myself. Embracing the mess is a...
03 Creation
To prepare for the creating in the next three lessons, connect with what each of the three areas mean to you. Create a mood board, curate a kit of supplies that soothe you, and bring you back towards yourself. Grab a slice of cake...Download the mood board templates...
Inspired Artist Interview with Caylee Grey
This video originally appeared in Misty Olsen's Inspired Artist's series. In this series, Misty interviews artists to instill confidence and clarity in your creative practice.
Caylee – Reverse Zines
A reverse zine is a zine that starts as a sheet and becomes a mini journal, rather than the other way around. It uses the magical power of cropping to make your art look absolutely gorgeous no...
How to make a zine
Here's a 60 second reference for making your own one-page zine. DownloadDownload the worksheets for this lesson.Want the steps one-by-one without having to pause? Here you go: Start with a...
Value refers to the degree of perceivable lightness of tones within an image. The element of value is compatible with the term luminosity, and can be "measured in various units designating electromagnetic radiation". The difference in values is often called contrast,...
How to organise ephemera for MORE creating and less hoarding
Ephemera is my number one supply ever, and if I only had one supply I could take on an island, it'd be paper. I am an exceptionally organised human, but I am also a creative and ephemera organisation lends itself to somewhere in the middle of those two things. The...
Continue Exploring
This class has given you tools for your arsenal in the journey that is your Unfolding. Now, it is up to you to continue exploring, connecting, and deepening.Resources to continue meditating and support your practice: Meditation Apps Calm Headspace Insight Timer 10%...
02 Heartstorming
This is how we see heartstorming:Read the original text by Father Paul Keenan.Transcript Oh, yes. Heartstorming. Through this experience, Caylee and I, rely on Father Paul Keenan and his definition and view of heartstorming, which you can also read in his book,...
How to make a zine
A zine is a handmade magazine or mini-comic about anything you can imagine: favorite bands, personal stories, subcultures, or collections. They contain diary entries, rants, interviews, and stories. They can be by one person or many, found in stores, traded at comic conventions, exchanged with friends, or given away for free.
Go Forth & Make Zines
Our final lesson for Ama-ZINE is full. on. inspir-action. I have a host of incredible zines to show you in order to spark a few ideas, and introduce you to a few new favorite artists. Take...
Welcome to Ama-ZINE
Ama-Zine is the modern zine making class. What’s a zine? It’s a handmade magazine or mini-comic about anything you can imagine. They contain diary entries, rants, interviews, and stories. They...
Day 31 Un/finished
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May: What is finished when it comes to art, anyway? Celebrate all the finishing you...
Mark making and materiality
Mark-making is the interaction between the artist and the materials they are using. It provides the viewer of the work with an image of what the artist had done to create the mark, reliving what the artist had done at the time. Materiality is the choice of materials...
Pleasure + Liberation Suggested Journal
Pleasure + Liberation#gmseasonofpleasure #gmseasonofliberationThis season, the suggested journal is an Altered Book Journal. Need some inspiration? Here ya go! (I've...
Day 31 Celebration
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Celebrate your creative month! Write a list of small achievements, add confetti,...
Day 29 Serenity
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Make your practice today meditative. Some ideas: light a candle, drink some fruit...
Day 01 Starting
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May: Start. Either by opening your journal to a new page or by binding a journal just...
Artist Date
Invitation to go on an artist date
1. Inside
Transcript Hey there. My name is Caylee Grey, and I'm here to chat to you all about these magical things called artist dates. If you don't know about them yet, get ready for your mind to be blown. Absolutely blown. If you already know about...
Artist Date
Travel journals are one of my favorite ways to create, but there’s no need to wait for a Parisian or Thai overseas escapade. You can have a small adventure in the now—like, tomorrow-kind-of *now*. All you need are a few of your favorite supplies (that—guess what—you...
01 Meditation
The term meditation means in Latin, “to ponder.” Simply, meditation is a mindful practice of becoming aware, deepening, expanding, and contemplating or pondering our awareness. Meditation is personal. It’s uniquely individual and we invite you to make it your own. A...
Welcome to Unfold. This course is all about the art of meditative journaling and the self-nurturing practice of using meditation combined with art journaling as a path to a deeper understanding and connection with yourself. The course is intentionally designed with...
It’s time for us to go back to our roots.
My dear beautiful, beautiful Messy Artist It’s time for us to go back to our roots. Get Messy has always been a place that evolves and adapts and fits around your life rather than the other way around. It’s never been a place where you have to change to be a part of...
Jumping with Caylee Grey and Nathalie Kalbach
In this video, Caylee and the CJS21 host, Nathalie Kalbach, chat about stories and art.
Body of Art
Pleasure + Liberation Artist Date
Pleasure + Liberation#gmseasonofpleasure #gmseasonofliberationThis season, the suggested artist date is a cafe date. Go to your favorite cafe in town or a new one in a...
Art Books
ResourceArt BooksThe Best Books for Art JournalersBooks are awesome I am a massive book nerd. My interior design style is “books and plants”. My love for books is part of the reason I love art journaling - I get to create my own library of art. I get to fill my...
Journaling Books
ResourceJournaling Books21 books on written journalingJackee Holder The Science and Wisdom of Writing and journalingIra Progoff The basic text and guide for using the Intensive Journal processStephanie Dowrick The Art and Heart of ReflectionLucia Capacchione The Art...
Day 02 Showing up
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:Show up in your journal today, in the easiest way possible. Use a bullet point...
3. Studio
Transcript So, my own personal rule for artist dates, and for taking along a little travel log, even if it's an everyday travel log, is that I only use found materials. So, I'm going to show you a whole beautiful bunch of examples. Now, I have a lot...
2. Outside
Transcript I'm currently at a park. It's one of my favorite parks because it comes with a castle. Hello, I'm in Germany, so castles are pretty average around here. And I'm going to take you along with me, and show you kind of the way I take myself on...
Ideas for non-zine journals and ideas for using self-portraits
Self#gmseasonofselfAre you a zine non-believer? It's okay. The zine won't take it personally. I'm sharing a few alternatives to creating a zine for the season. Because you are such...
Brush lettering inspir-action
Steven#gmseasonofstevenA selection of brush lettering from my journal archives...Action Steps be inspired to actionImperfect brush letteringStencils + Script
Imperfect brush lettering
Steven#gmseasonofstevenGetting an entire book into a journal I am not going to teach you exactly how to script letters and how to combine them. Please use my own messy lettering...
Quick tip: Processing a book for art
Steven#gmseasonofstevenGetting an entire book into a journal Before we get into the techniques, let's talk a bit about how to process your book.Steps for processing Read the book...
Inspir-action for this season
Steven#gmseasonofstevenIn this lesson I'm sharing a Steven Pressfield journal that I created for The Minimalist Art Journal 2. MAJ2 is a premium class here at Get Messy that isn't...
Choosing your Steven and your journal
Steven#gmseasonofstevenA Season of Literal Steven If you'd like to join me in digging into Steven's words for the season, here are my three favourite books of his: Do The Work:...
Preparing your journal for art
Steven#gmseasonofstevenPrep Your Journal In the video I'll go through the initial prep for an altered book journal. Remember that your journal is a work in process and that...
Who the heck is Steven?
Steven#gmseasonofstevenThat's Steven. Still have no idea? I'm so excited to tell you...Action Steps get excited!head on over to the next lesson to choose your...
One completed Steven
Steven#gmseasonofstevenHere's a page through of what Steven looks like for me at the end of the season. What does yours look like? Share it in the Gallery. Action Steps finish (or...
Other ideas for writing
Steven#gmseasonofstevenI've put a bunch of extra ideas for making your journal writing a bit more interesting... Split cursive and print and your different lettering styles. Use...
Copied Words: Steal words like an artist
Steven#gmseasonofstevenI know a lot of us are going to be using Austin Kleon for our muse this season. We're going to be taking further instruction from him and stealing like an...
Cut your words into pieces
Steven#gmseasonofstevenI love scissors and I love words and I love bringing them together. Here is another collection of inspir-action for your Season of Steven, with a list of...
Alpha stickers
Steven#gmseasonofstevenOne thing that I brought with me from my scrapbooking days are the gorgeous alpha stickers that I had accumulated. After using one too many 3s for an "E",...
Steven#gmseasonofstevenThe inspir-action for this lesson is a bit shorter. As much as I love using my alphabet stamp set, I don't use it as much. But stamping is great. Stamping...
The beauty of typewriters – real and fake
Steven#gmseasonofstevenThere's no denying that I love my vintage typewriter. I put it for €30 on eBay, it jams all the time, and I keep pushing the "z" instead of the "y". But I...
Stencils + Script
Steven#gmseasonofstevenHere is another technique for your Season of Steven journal (or really, any journal that you'd like to put text in). You know those old school plastic...