Connections I love being inspired by what I learn from other artists. Over the past couple of years, I’ve learned so much from talented, and generous artists, and I’ve...

Brandi Kincaid
A tiny treasure seeker, an eavesdropper, a paper lover, and a voracious reader, Brandi lives with her very tall husband, and very small dog, in northwest corner of the US. She spends her days making messes and sending Extravagant Hope by mail all over the world, and when she’s not busy with those, you can find her in the thrift stores and used bookshops. Journaling of all kinds is the way she makes sense of the weird, weary, wonderful world.
How to make a folded accordion book about everyday details
Connections One of my most favorite ways to include my life in my journals is to make the mundane magical. I love taking the day’s routine and drawing it out with color and...
Using Commonplace Books as a Weapon Against Perfectionism
Failure The last time I counted back to see how long I’ve been keeping commonplace books, I thought it’d been about twelves years or so, but since then I’ve found...
027 Failure
If perfectionism is what’s stopping you from making art that you love, then join the Season of Failure. Hosted by Get Messy Fairy Artmother, Caylee Grey takes you through a 5 step process to “eff comparison,” dance naked in perfection’s face, and make sweet, sweet (imperfect) art in your art journal. Learn to embrace failure with a failure tracker and even a failure bingo. Transform imposter syndrome into a trickster goddess with Emily Mulrony, and don’t miss Brandi Kincaid’s tutorial on using commonplace books as weapons against perfectionism.
Commonplace Books with Brandi
Solid ideas for Brandi’s favourite way to create – with commonplace books.
How Making Art Keeps the Magic Alive for Brandi Kincaid
Artist SpotlightBrandi is an illustrator and paper crafter who makes and records memories with her husband in Bellingham, Washington, a far cry from her home state of Georgia. She spends all her free moments playing with paper and glue, and drawing a...
Bonus Before We Say Goodbye…
A little bonus before we say goodbye, we will take a little time to flip through some of my puzzle pieced journals, taking more time with what fills the pages. I’ve also included a few files...
The Missing Piece
So far in this course we’ve been focusing on being in conversation with the bits and pieces of life we’ve collected, and letting that tumble out onto the page. Now, we are going to shift a...
The Edge
When we’re putting together a jigsaw puzzle, it often helps to start with the edge or a foundation of sorts. For some of us, myself included, that means putting together all the actual edge...
The Big Picture
One of the fun things about a puzzle is that the picture comes together as we work on it, like a journal page. We don’t always have to see the end result to begin, with a puzzle or a page, but...
The Piles of Pieces
Creating the edges of our pages gives us a great place to begin, but now it’s time to fill those pages in with all our pieces. And once again, just like a jigsaw puzzle, we will turn to all...
The Putting it Away
Every puzzle and every journal is as finished as it’s ever going to be at some point and is ready to be put away. We will look at ways to add closure to what we’ve created and decide what to do...
The Pieces
We live such varied lives, holding so many roles, loving so many different things, and with all of that comes a lot of bits and pieces, many of which we easily overlook when it comes time to...
Welcome to Puzzling
Life is full, and beautifully fractured. This course will invite us to gather and sort all the varied bits and pieces life brings our way, and create a journal that gives them a place to play...