Kindness Hello artists, Alicia here to share with you a special tutorial that is near and dear to me! When I lived in New York City, it became a habit of mine to take in all the...

Alicia Schultz
Alicia lives in Portland, Oregon. She loves to create intuitively and freely and let the art come out without holding back. When it all comes together on a spread, it feels magical, meaningful, and like a deep breath for her soul. The worst part of art journaling can be the in-between stages. When she’s just finished a journal and is getting ready to start another, sometimes she needs a small break between the two. It’s as if she needs to come down from finishing and get into a new state of mind to start the next one! Her favorite dinosaur is the triceratops because she says she relates to that three-horned dino!
Ep 015: You’re not going to be the best until you’re the worst first
Messy ConversationsMessy Conversations is a series of interviews with amazing art journalers who share their favorite tools, tips and why they art journal. You’ll get an exclusive peek into their art journal pages and their process. We have a...
How to use a Brush Pen
Hand Lettering Bold Statements
Freedom Hello! Alicia here from Vine & Thistle. In my last tutorial as a part of the Get Messy Creative Team, I am going to be showing you how to create a bright and bold...
Words bring us together: brush lettering using watercolor and ink
Ubuntu Hello! Alicia here again to share a tutorial on using watercolor to brush letter quotes in our art journals. I have been playing with letters for over 4 years now and...
Repeat patterns: creating decorative designs in your art journal
This tutorial will guide you and inspire you to create repeat patterns in your art journal and on collage papers for your art journal.
Roll the art dice: a creative art journaling game
Play Download the List Save this file to your computer, print it out, and keep it inside your journal to spark journal ideas. Hello artists, Alicia here to kick off the Season of...
Telling unconventional stories through abstract art
In this post, we will be thinking about unconventional stories and making abstract art to represent a different way of thinking about the unconventional stories that are important to us.
Bonus – Make Your Art Bloom with Botanical Collage
Botanicals in art journaling > Bonus BECOMING BOTANICAL BY COLLAGING FLORALS It's kind of obvious now that one of my muses in art journaling is all things botanical. I have a fun...
Lesson 4 – Collage Images of Botanicals
Botanicals in art journaling > Lesson 4Collage Images of BotanicalsI often use images of botanicals in my art journal to add more layer, depth and variety. In this lesson, I want to...
Lesson 2 – Ink Drawings
Botanicals in art journaling > Lesson 2Ink Drawings with a Pointed Nib and Paint BrushUsing ink to draw botanicals is a favorite of mine. I often use one of two tools to get the ink...
Lesson 5 – Line Drawings as Ephemera
Botanicals in art journaling > Lesson 5Line Drawings to use as collage ephemeraIn the last lesson, we explored resources for finding botanical images and collected some images to use...
Lesson 3 – Painted Botanicals
Botanicals in art journaling > Lesson 3Painted BotanicalsIn this lesson, we are going to be painting botanicals in a more abstract way. Painting abstract rather than realistic allows...
Lesson 1 – Blind Contour Botanicals
Botanicals in art journaling > Lesson 1 BLIND CONTOUR BOTANICALSWhat is Blind Contour Drawing? Blind Contour drawing is drawing without looking at your drawing as you make it! In...
Infuse your art with nature’s most lovely masterpieces. Flowers and plants provide an endless amount of inspiration for creatives all around the world. Through this floral focused art journaling class, Alicia Schultz will guide you through a multitude of different ways to use botanical beauty and inspiration in your art journal. You will learn six new ways to incorporate flowers and plants in your art journaling with various techniques like drawing, collage, painting, and more. Through these lessons, you will create art journal spreads that are blooming with beauty. If you love blooms and are awed by their beauty, then this is the perfect class for you.
3.5 Guest: Layered Minimalism
Alicia SchultzLayered MinimalismI fell in love with Alicia’s work as soon as I saw it. The pastels, the florals. It spoke directly to the inner depths of my heart. The thing that strikes me most about her work is how she manages to create so much depth, and still keep...
Welcome to Botanicals
Welcome to the class!
Closing Thoughts
Botanicals in art journaling > ConclusionCLOSING tHOUGHTSBefore the class ends, I want to share with you some of my favorite botanical resources and inspirations!Favourite Resources...