OKYour challenge, should you choose to accept it: Create a journal spread with a list of things that make you feel OK. Start with the phrase "I feel ok when..." and get creative with your...

Abbey Sy
Abbey Sy is an artist, author and creator based in Berlin, Germany.
Throughout her creative career, she has worked on freelance projects, has written and illustrated best-selling books such as The ABCs of Hand Lettering, The ABCs of Journaling, and Always Be Creating: A Field Guide To Living a Creative Life. Her first international title, Hand Lettering A to Z, has been translated to nine languages. Her new book, The Art of the Travel Journal, is now available.
She has given two TEDx talks, spoken in Graphika Manila, and facilitated workshops on creativity and making things happen. Currently, she shares her love for journaling through her creative community on Patreon, YouTube, and Instagram. With her Always be Creating mantra, she hopes to inspire others to unlock their creative potential and move forward with their creative journey.
Flip Through
Here’s a complete flip through of how I documented my days using The Diarist, the A5 journal I’ve used for the previous year.
Step by Step: Monthly Recap
This lesson walks you through a step by step process of creating a monthly recap journal page.
All the Materials
In this lesson, I introduce all the materials you can use for journaling. From different journal sizes, to pen types, to stationery, this materials overview will provide you some ideas on which tools you would like to add to your journaling stash.
Fun Formats to Try
This lesson walks you through fun formats to try with documenting your days.
Step by Step: Daily Entry
This lesson walks you through a step by step process of creating a daily entry page.
Honing Your Habit
Sharing with you some habits and tips for your journaling journey.
Step by Step: Media Journal
This lesson walks you through a step by step process of creating a media journal page.
Ways to Document Your Days
This lesson focuses on ways to document your days, whether in monthly, daily, weekly, or quarterly formats.
Day 18 Documenting
Remember: Bring your messy self, take what you need (no such thing as being behind), and remember that more than zero is enough. Here's the prompt for today's Messy May:How do you document your days? What are you learning about yourself as each day...
Twenty Prompts to Journal Print out these prompts I made for you. Add it to your journal and use it when you're looking for an idea or prompt for documenting your days.
Anatomy of a Journal
In this lesson, I share with you what is typically in a journal spread.
Why Journal?
Why Journal? I share my journaling journey and why it’s so important to document your days.
Welcome to DYD
Hello everyone, and welcome to Documenting Your Days. This class is all about using journaling as a tool to document your days in whatever format you find useful for your process...