This is where it’s safe (and you’re encouraged!) to ditch your to-do list. Ignore the laundry. Shake off perfectionism. And create for the sake of creating.

Everything we do is rooted in kindness and being a good human. The community is a place to feel inspired, supported, and accepted.

 Guidelines for Zoom

Photos by @divsy, @patternandpaper, @misty.granade, @knittyscrapper, and @cayleegrey under the #getmessyhangout

first time using Zoom with Get Messy?

Zoom is kind of like Google Hangouts or Skype, with better video quality, and the ability to view all participants at once.

Please note that by using Get Messy’s Zoom room, you agree to follow Get Messy’s Terms and Community Guidelines at all times.

As always, if you have any questions about joining, just email Caylee.

If you are on a computer, this is what your screen will look like (with your face!).

Download Zoom in advance

Your best option is to use Zoom on your computer or laptop through the Chrome internet browser. Go to their website to download the application. 

If you need to view on your phone or iPad you’ll be prompted to download the app to view, which you can do ahead of time if you like using one of the links below. The app ensures you’re able to have a great live viewing experience. You can download it on Android / iOS.

Prep your connection

For the best possible experience, join on a computer through a Chrome browser. Make sure your internet connection is stable, ask any family members to stop streaming or playing online games. If possible, use an ethernet cable rather than wifi.

Join us (yay)!

When you click to join the hangout room, it will ask you to enter your name and email so we know that you’re here! Please note the name you write will be displayed in the chat so first name only is totally fine.

It is required that you turn your video to let everyone know that you’re not a creep 👀. This is not a webinar, and has a digital art studio format. If your computer doesn’t have a camera, you can use your phone or tablet. If you absolutely cannot show your face, please send a private message to Caylee.

Please note that it is up to the host’s discretion whether to allow those without a video feed in the hangout.

Zoom tips

You can set your audio settings and test it through Zoom.

You are muted by default. Please unmute yourself to talk – we’d love to hear what you have to say.


And you can use the Chat at any time to send a message to the group or to one person.

This is a safe space.

The Get Messy Zoom rooms are a safe space. The host will protect the space like a fierce mama bear, and we tend to err on the side of overprotective rather than underprotective.

Participants are muted by default. You are welcome to unmute yourself at any time by pressing the “unmute” button. The reason for this is that sometimes there are weird noises that distract from what people are saying. With having a bunch of people together, it’s easier to mute than to interrupt the speaker. With creating and journaling while we listen, sometimes microphones pick up scissors, pen scrapes, or white noise. We can’t usually hear these ourselves but on Zoom it gets picked up super easily.

The Zoom Rooms are for all humans to share, and we hope everyone on the call will respect that. Be mindful of how much you are talking and allow others to share their thoughts. If you would like to say something, but can’t fit a word in edgewise, you are welcome to send a private message to the host and you’ll be given the floor. 

The host will also occassionally call on someone by name – if you don’t feel like talking you are welcome to let us know. 

Please also be mindful of the topics you discuss. We all come from very different backgrounds. This is a place of escape and a oasis from the world. We process our emotions through art. Please be mindful and recognise that feelings and anxieties are passed on to others in social spaces such as these digital rooms and we’d like to avoid that as much as possible.